Chapter 2: Meet Christopher

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Dean was highly annoyed and cold by the time he had disposed of the werewolf's body. Even though the fire had kept him warm for a while, the effect wore off quickly as the flames fizzled out. Dean had left all his layers in Baby and had one dark t-shirt to protect him from the cold Colorado night. 

It wasn't working.

He had already called Sam, telling him to "haul ass" and pick him up. He sat on the front porch step waiting. Waiting...

Then he saw the headlights of the Impala rounding the corner, heard the purr of her engine. He jumped up, hopping in place until Sam got close enough for him to grasp the door handle and climb in. Sam drove away from the house as Dean reached into the back seat and searched for his jacket, shrugging it on and settling into the leather seat. 

"Cold?" Sam asked, teasingly. 

Dean just gave him a harsh look and focused on warming up his fingers, which had turned a darker color than the usual tan color. Dean watched out the windows of his beloved car as they pulled out of the circle drive of the farmhouse and into the unpaved road beyond the property. 

The road was lined thickly with trees and didn't allow visibility past thirty feet. A river of stars flowed parallel above the dirt they drove on, somehow seeming disconnected from their world, calm silence staring down at them, but too far away to see them. Dean felt invisible when he looked up.

"How's she doing," he asked.

Sam inclined his head. "She's doing good. I gave her a heavy dose of meds, and she's sleeping." He followed the twisty road, the tires kicking up a trail of dirt behind them. "Her pants are completely ruined, though." He cringed as soon as he said it. 

Dean turned in the seat, putting his arm across the back. "Sammy, don't tell me saw..?" He didn't need to finish.

Sam was quiet. Here we go...

Then he started blushing in the modest way he does. 


"She needed to get cleaned off! Her clothes were ripped and dirty, and then we were covered in blood."


"I stitched her up, Dean. Her blood was literally on my hands."

Dean pouted. He was thinking about how attractive Georgie was. He wanted to see her naked. He pictured her legs, bare and tanned and lean like they must be, her bare ass-

Sam pulled into a camping area gift-wrapped in aspens. There was no one there, but Sam kept driving. It occurred to Dean that it would be the smart thing to keep her tent or whatever out of the direct line of sight. 

They drove around a couple twists, following a twisty, bumpy path. Dean saw something white peeking out behind a row of bushes. Whatever it was was big. And it wasn't very hidden now that they were further inside the camp. He saw it better as the Impala rolled to a stop and Sam put it in park.

"Is that a... bus?" 

Sam just smirked. "Well, it was a church bus."

The bus's windshield was facing them, but it was mostly too dark to make out anything through the expanse of glass. The bus was white or a pale pastel, Dean couldn't tell in the dark. The moonlight, which normally shone brightly from the full moon, was blocked mostly by the tall aspens. 

Dean was dumbstruck as Sam took a set of girlish keys out of his pocket, and Dean hopped out of his car. Sam walked up to the door of the bus and stuck a key in a lock just below eye level. The doors came open as he pulled on them and he gestured Dean inside. 

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