A triangle and a murder?

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It's been 6 months with the turtles. You and sensei have been really close, his like a father to you now. Leo joins you for kunoichi practice most of the time and on breaks you hang out with Donnie. Man, Donnie shows you every little keepsake that him and his brothers kept from their adventures.

April came in a few times but most of the time was talking to turtles trying to convince them you were a liar. Good thing Sensei got her to stop, you're a nerve away punching her mouth when she said that the death of your father was a lie.

Today, training day: Leo and you are sparing along with his brothers. The fight between you and Leo was instance, it almost felt like dancing. Until you landed a punch on his chest, Raphael cheered in approvable, Leo smiled and you two began to fight more. Leo grabbed your wrist and brought you close to him only inches away from his face. You could feel his breath on your cheek, his heart beating like jack rabbit. Your face grew red but then you headbutt him making him groan in pain.

"Oh, Shit! Leo!!! I'm so sorry, but you shouldn't have done that, you know!!" you helped him while checking for any bleeding or anything broken.

"H-heh... Y-yeah... Sorry" you both laughed it out but Donnie didn't like it one bit. He clinged in to his staff, he didn't understand this feeling, you only been here for a few months but for him it feels like years. You 2 got together a lot and even sometimes cuddled together. You had terrible flash backs from your past, nasty nightmare.

After training you and the brothers decided to go on patrol.

"Ok, guys. This is (Y/n) first patrol, so, as leader I should show her around town while you guys go patrol the other side of the city ok?" Leo said in full confidence.

"What!? No way? Why do you have to show her? I'm the smartest and I'm less likely to get lost!!" Donnie snapped at his brother.

"Bros, bros~ Chill, how about I show (y/n) around and you guys can go chill" Mikey hugged you, you laughed a bit.

"Buzz off, Mikey!!!" they both screamed. Raphael left at this moment while grabbing Mikey with him.

Now you were left with 2 angry turtles nagging who gets you. This got on and on for 20 minutes.

"OK, OK! Guys stop it! This got stupid." They look at you a bit concerned. "I'll chose who I would go with!"

"Ok who? They said in unison. You thought about it long and hard (that's what she said)

"I'll go with Donnie."

"What!??" Leo screamed.

"I'll go with u next time"

Leo scoffs and turns his back at you and Donnie "Fine, I'll look forward to it" running off, you and Donnie looked at each other a bit awkwardly.

"Uumm... Would it be ok if I hugged you, (Y/n)? It's that... I- We never have enough time. You're busy with training and me with the retro muta- huff!!" you tackled him with a hug. It felt like the first time you 2 met. "I'll take that as a yes, hehehel. Come on, let's get going!" You nodded and vegan sprinting building from building for 3 hours and then you stopped at the roof of a library to rest. You fought some thugs and found 2 mutagen, thankfully it was easy. After talking and cuddling with Donnie he looked at the horizon. His face was drawn with concern and his eyes looked like they were lost in his ocean of thoughts.

'God, he looks amazing' you thought. Without knowing he catched you starring but you got lost in his eyes.

"(Y/n)... Are you ok?" he grabbed your chin so gently.

"Y-yes! Heh, sorry..." you tried to hide your blush but it was to late he saw your blushy mess. Without saying another word you both began to lean slowly. You could feel his body shaking as well as yours. You were just an inch away from a blissful kiss...

Ring tone goes off!!!

'Fuck!' was the first thing that came in to your mind. Donatello picked up his phone and excused himself, when he looked who was calling it was April. You noticed it was her cause her picture had yellow lighting. You couldn't help but groan in frustration.

"Hey, April. I- I'm a bit busy..." he walked off a few feed away from you.

"Yeah, busy! Dude look down!" she said to him. When he did so, April was waving at him with a huge smile. You looked down as well and saw her and her face turned a bit sour. "What is she doing with you up there? Is she hurting you?!" she yelled which you heard.

"What!? What in the world makes you think that?" Donnie looked at you.

"She's using you Donnie!"

"Shut up you stupid ass! I would never hurt Donatello!" you screamed with utter anger in your voice. Donnie backed away a bit in surprise. Just then April threw her Fan at you missing, in a burst of adrenaline you took you kunai out of your back and threw it harder at her sadly missing. "That's a warning!" you told her in a dark voice. You looked at Donnie and walked off he looked at April as she was screaming saying she was right that you were here to hurt her and them and began to call the brothers.

Finally arriving to the lair Raphael saw you and grabbed you by your wrists. "What the hell, (Y/n)!!?? What the big idea attacking April, are you crazy!?" he squished your wrist harder even Mikey was bit mad at you but when you saw his face it was disappointed. That hurt you.

"She attacked first!!" you screamed.

"That's not what she said. She recorded you throwing the kunai at her!?"

"Raph, It's true April did try to attack (y/n)" he stood between you and Raph. He lets go of you trusting his brothers words.

"Then she lied?" he pushed Sonnie to the side and hugs you tightly "I'm sorry, (y/n)" he hugged you tight his body was shaking trying not to make a scene you hugged him back and forgave him. Leo ran towards you and picked you up bridal style.

"See, that is why should have come with me instead!!" he nuzzled your neck ticking you.

"Stop, Leo. Hahahhaha"

Donatello clenched his fist while watching Leo. Once Leo finished teasing you walked towards Donnie and asked him if you could stay in his room for the night. You had something important to talk to him.
He nodded and both walked to his room. Donatello looked back at his brother in command and blew raspberry at him.

'... April and Leo are gonna get us killed. Wtf..?"


Sorry for the wait. I haven't been feeling well.

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