He was just supposed to be her bodyguard but things get more complicated when he falls in love with the daughter of the most sought after politician in Europe (clarke). Can he put his feelings aside when in the face of danger? (multi chapter)
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bellamys pov The blonde in front of him stood there stunned. Something was off about this situation, if it was really a test Kane could've hired someone better to act as a spy, someone who did more than gape and drop her pen when he questioned her for her name and reason for being in the mansion. He cocked the gun back at her head and her eyes widened even further before the door behind him opened
"Bellamy what is taking you s-" Kane stood there aghast at the scene unfolding before him " I suggest you put that gun down pronto Mr. blake if you wish to keep your job or your head!" he exclaimed.
Immediately lowering his gun bellamy turned to his mentor with a questioning gaze, what you he have possible have done wrong, he follow protocol down to the T. He kept away from the suspect, asked all the right questions and then it dawned on him...maybe, she wasn't a suspect. He took a second look at the girl, brow furrowing as he tried to figure out who she was.
"Thank you Marcus," she addressed his boss with a warm and friendly voice, completely undeterred by his 46 caliber handgun still vaguely pointed in her direction. Markus? he thought. she must know him well.
Kane then smiled at her, he actually smiled, the same man who made him eat his shoe laces at inspection on his second day of training. Many bizarre things have just happened in the last 5 minutes he thought, and then he pieced it together. Jake Griffin, leader of the biggest parliamentary group in whole of Europe had a daughter, and that daughter was a gorgeous blonde 20 year old named Clarke Griffin.
Clarke's pov
She stood in the office still trying to comprehend what was happening, the beautiful freckled man was still standing in front of her with his arms raised holding a handgun pointing directly at her chest and for what? wanting to study for her midterms?
No one in the history of ever who worked for her father had dared to lay a hand on her let alone point a gun at her. Maybe he didn't know who she was.
"What's your name? How'd you get in here?!" he questioned. God his deep smooth voice was nothing but alluring.
still she stood there, glued to the spot, she'll shocked by this gorgeous mans sudden appearance in her study.
Looking back at it now it was pretty funny that he had no clue who she was, not taking any notice of his gun still pointing at her she strode round the table to his side and leant on it tilting her head to the side and grinning like a manic, god he is gonna be in so much trouble when someone finds out about this she thought.
Just then Marcus Kane head of her dads security strode in through the front door, his face loosing its colour and eyes widening at the scene before him.
" I suggest you put that gun down pronto Mr. blake if you wish to keep your job or your head!" Kane exclaimed. "Thank you Marcus." she grinned smugly.
It took the freckled man a few seconds before the pieces fell into place in his head and my true identity dawned on him and much like kane, his face lost his colour and he holstered his gun in lightning speed.
Just then my dad entered the office eyebrows raised and arms crossed. "What are you two doing here?" he questioned the two officers. The younger paled even more "uhh" "They were just helping me daddy," clarke cut in sweetly, she didn't know why, but she didn't want the young man to get into trouble so she decided to bail him out. "Kane and (she told a step closer to read his name tag) B-Blake were running some errands in the house when i heard a noise and asked them to help me check it out."
"Oh my poor flower" her dad exclaimed, there have been so many kidnappings and attacks going on recently, especially aimed at you, i couldn't bare the thought of something happening... i know you need a Bodyguard!"
oh no she thought, how was she going to live out her rebellious teenage years with kane shadowing her every move. As if sensing her thoughts kane piped up "maybe bellamy should take the job, he's young, handsome, wouldn't stand out, could go anywhere with clarke unnoticed, plus he's very skilled in hand to hand and is a ex-army." "very well," her father agreed.
So that was it, one minute he'd be pointing a gun at her and the next he'd be protecting her life with his...very interesting.