Chapter 7: waking up

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warning mild descriptions of blood, if this is an issue for you skip the first paragraph :)
clarke's pov

Cold...she felt cold. Clarke tried to wrap her arms around herself when she noticed she couldn't move. She struggling again she felt her arms above her head pinned to the wall but some sort of shackle. Immense pain burst from the side of her head and limbs as if she'd been carelessly dragged somewhere, nice touch she commended her captors on her head. The smell of metal filled her nose and only then did she feel was liquid running down the side of her face, a drop hit her lip and her dry tongue darted out from reflex to taste it, immediately she was greeted with the sharp tangy taste of blood making her spit and gag.

Trying to look around she noticed she couldn't see much, apart from she was in a type of cell with stone walls and chains and a single lightbulb hung from the centre ceiling. In fact the only lighting was a small barred gap in the wall opposite her.

To her left was a barred wall with an adjoining cell the other side of it, much like hers. when she squinted she could make out a small figure in the corner of the cell, although their arms weren't shackled above their head, they were simply slumped against the wall unmoving.
"Hello?" clarke called out, her voice hoarse and cracking from all the screaming she did when they took her. No response.

Clanging her shackles against the wall above her she tried again. "Hello!" she called, this time she got a weak murmur from the figure in the cell opposite hers. VICTORY her cell mate was alive. The other prisoner slowly crawled up to the bars of clarke's cell, chains on her left foot clanging with every move but clarke didn't care about all the noise her fellow cell mate was making, he captors knew she was there, besides now she had company and wouldn't die alone, moments later and figure crawled into the dim light of the makeshift window and only then did she recognise who it was...

mwahahahaha wait till the next chapter to find out how they know each other and what bellamy is up to!!!! ⭐️⬇️🙏🏻♥️

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