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I wondered down to the nurses office where Mrs Shirley greeted me with a wide smile.

"Hello love, are you alright?"
"Sort of."
"Come on let's talk."

I walked into the nurses office and sat on a vacant chair. Mrs Shirley sat on the counter, she was only 29 so I always wondered why she would want to work in a school nurses office.

"So what's wrong?" She asked.
"Jessie and Joe got engaged this morning."
"That's good, right ?"
"I guess." I looked at my hands. "What if they forget about me? Or want a child of their own?"
I could feel tears rising as I spoke.
"Gaia you know that won't happen. They love you. You are their daughter."

She pushed herself off the counter and took my face in her hands making sure I was looking at her.

"Jessie and Joe love you with all their hearts, they will never replace you. Ever."
"Are you sure?"
"I'm very very sure. They love you. They love you like I love Gavin."

I smiled at the mention of her husbands name, they'd been married since they were eighteen.

"I know how much you love him."
"Exactly and that's how much Jess and Joe love you."
"Thanks Wendy."
"That's alright GP. Come on you should get to class."

I stood up and hugged her before heading to my class.

I pushed the classroom door open interrupting the teacher.

"Why are you late?" The teacher asked harshly.

I realised it was a new teacher who didn't know about my condition.

"Oh um I was at the nurses office."
"Sir don't you know that when a girl she says she's been to the nurses office you don't ask why?" A voice piped in.

I recognised him as the new guy - Uranus-Hades.
Several laughs rang through the room.

The teacher blushed a dark shade of red and nodded. "Right, yeah ok. S-sit down."

I smiled at him and sat in an empty seat, as it turned out the only one available was next to Uranus.

"Hey." He smiled at me.
"Hey. Thanks."
"No worries, your business is your business."
"Thanks. What are we doing?"
"R and J."
He nodded.
"I hate Romeo and Juliet."
"What?!" He yelled.

Everyone turned to look at us. The teacher removed his glasses and gave us an intense stare.
"Something you'd like to share with the class?"

Uranus pointed at me. "She hates Romeo and Juliet."
I rolled my eyes as everyone gasped.
"It's just so stupid. Juliet was fourteen and Romeo was eighteen. They should even be together and honestly they were stupid. If your two families hate each other and you decided 'hey let's start dating' it's obviously going to lead to chaos. I mean think it through!"
"Was Juliet really fourteen?" Someone asked.
I nodded as did the teacher.
"Well I value your opinion miss..."
"Davids. Gaia-Persephone Davids."
He nodded again. "But next time try not to interrupt my class."

He continued teaching while Uranus stared at me, still shocked by what I said.

I leaned over and whispered. "Take a picture."
He blinked and cleared his throat before turning round back to the front.

I leaned back in my seat and pulled my headphones over my ears.

Dancing in the daylight
She said kissed me when it feels right
(So I did)
It was quarter past midnight
(When we met)
Now we're dancing in the daylight
And we ain't finished yet

Suddenly my headphones were yanked from my head. Surprised I jumped out my chair, unfortunately I managed to trip in the process and fall sideways onto Uranus.

He pushed me off him so I was standing straight, I turned to face the teacher (whose name I still didn't know) holding my headphones.

"Why are you listening to music in class?"
"Sir, my name is Gaia-Persephone Davids." I stressed hoping he got the memo. Any new teacher was informed of my condition.
He shook his head. "I don't care, out of my class now. And I'm taking your phone.." He held his hand out.

I huffed and took it out my pocket before placing it in his hand. I then packed my stuff back into my bag before storming out.

I leaned my back against the wall and slid down the floor. The voices begin to fill my head.

Nobody listens to you.
Jessie won't listen to you.
Joe won't listen to you.
I bet Wendy is fed up of listening to you cry.

I shut my eyes and hoped they would disappear. They didn't.
They got stronger.
And stronger.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and lifted my head from my knees.
Wendy was crouching in front of me holding my house keys.
"You left these in the office what's wrong?"
"The teacher." I swallowed the lump in my throat. "He took... my music."

The voices were echoing in my head.

Wendy stood up abruptly and ran in the room. I heard the sound of yelling and looked up as Wendy came back out dragging the teacher with her.

"I personally told you about Gaia. Now give her back her headphones."
The teacher, obviously terrified, gave me back my property.
"And the next time a student is trying to explain something to you, you listen." Wendy warned.
The teacher nodded. "Sor-"
"Get back to class." She yelled.

He spun around and ran back into the room. I smiled at Wendy as I stood up.
"Thank you."
"It's okay. Here are your keys. You might as well go to your next lesson. The bell it going to r-"
The bell interrupted her. I smiled as she scowled.
"See you Wendy."
"Bye GP."

As I began to walk to my next lesson I heard the sound of footsteps hitting the floor.
"Gaia! Wait!"

I turned and saw Uranus running towards me.
"Hey are you okay?" He asked once he caught up.
"Fine." I smiled tightly then continued to walk.
"Are you sure?"
"What happened to my business is my business?" I snapped.
"I was just asking!" He said defensively.
"Well don't."

He stopped walking. I could feel his eyes following me down the hall. I didn't need anyone else in my life making it even more complicated. Especially someone like him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2018 ⏰

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