Jungkook loves playing with girls feelings until he meets a new student {Girl} That is very pretty her name is Min Y/N. Everyone calls her the perfect girl. Jungkook realize's that Y/N was his best friend in 3rd grade and started dating her~~~ I'm n...
Yah!! MIN Y/N! WAKE UP!!! Aishhh...Jjinja Woozi? Yes yes yes...NOW WAKE UP ITS THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! Aigoooo... Get your lazy ass up Ok ok I'm up I'm going too get ready *Woozi left your room and you got up too the bathroom and you started taking a shower and got out after 16 minutes* Ok...I'll wear this and put these shoes on...And this makeup on...
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Done! Now let's go downstairs and see what Cl and Suga are doing... YAH! YOONGI! WTH! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?! YOUR BRINGING BITCHES OVER??? *Woozi yelled at yoongi* Whatever....It's not like I care... Here's breakfast Woozi,Suga,and Y/-OMO YOUR SO PRETTY Y/N! Thank you Cl...Atleast someone isn't annoying *You mumbled* HUH? WHAT DID YOU SAY Y/N?? Nothing bitch...*You said too Yoongi* OMO WE ARE LATE!
*Skip Too introducing* Ah..Your the new student right? Yes I am *Bow* Ok may you please introduce yourself? Ok...Hello! My name is Min Y/N! A random boy said Wow! Dabaek! She's the perfect girl in this school! Ikr! Ok Y/N you can sit by Jeon Jungkook*The teacher pointed by the desk at the back by the window* Ok...*You walked too your spot getting stares from all the boys and then sat down* *Jungkooks POV* *In Mind* Is this girl even real? Because it's like too angels made this girl...She's perfect...Let the playing begin hehe. Hey...Your really pretty... Thanks...Also don't try hitting on me by the looks of you...You look like an international Playboy in this school...Haha .....I-I-I like your outfit.... Thanks...*You said coldly* *End of Jungkook's POV**Bell Rings* Finally time too go! *You were walking until you felt a strong grip on your wrist* The fuck....*You turned around and saw Jungkook smirking* Hmm...Your very interesting Y/N...But just too tell you I'll make you mine don't worry... Tch, you wish*You rolled your eyes* Oh really? What if I do this? *He putted his arms around your waist tightly and started kissing your lips* *The kiss deepens because of him you finally kissed him back* Jungkook broke this kiss and smirked...Hmm couldn't resist eh? Also nice ass before you leave I want too do this What? *He still had his arms around your waist he went toward your neck and gave hickeys and moved his hands towards your butt and grabbed it making you gasp and moan when he found your sweet spot you felt him smirk against your neck* Ah...J-Jungkook stop...I need too go too my cousins...Ah... No you don't you can just stay here while I just give some nice hickeys...You taste very sweet...I like that...He said smirking Yah! That's enough! You bastard! I didn't give you fucking permission too do this shit! *You punched him and went too the cafeteria looking for Woozi,Yoongi along with Cl after that weird makeout* *In the cafeteria* Yah! What took you so-Cl saw your neck and looked at you* Whats that on your neck? She made Yoongi and Woozi look at your neck. You sighed...Ah you guys know Jungkook right? OMO! DONT TELL US HE- Yes he did ok...He legitimately grabbed my wrist and wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my lips for awhile and looked at me and said nice ass then he went towards my neck giving me hickeys and then moving one of his hands down too my ass and grabbed it and I gasped and moaned because of him finding my sweet spot on my neck..... WTF!!!! WHERE THE FUCK IS JUNGKOOK?!?!?!?! *Cl suddenly shouted while making everyone quiet and stare at us* I SAID WHERE THE FUCK IS JUNGKOOK??? *everyone pointed too him at the back of the table with his friends**Cl dragged you and walked furiously too Jungkook's table* YOU! JUNGKOOK EXPLAIN THIS SHIT! RIGHT NOW! *Cl pointed too your neck with dark purple hickeys* I-I-I'm sorry C-C-Cl... BITCH! DONT SAY SORRY TOO ME SAY IT TOO MY YOUNGEST COUSIN Y/N! YOUR NOT SUPPOSED TOO FUCK AROUND WITH ANY OF US! JUST BECAUSE OF HOW PERFECT SHE IS! Babe calm down *Namjoon said* Aishhh I'm done Y/N...Stay here because he needs too apologize too you Aishhh Y/N your Cl's cousin? Hmm? Oh yea I am why?...Oh you! I remember you! You were making out with C- Shhhh! We never talk about that here.. Ooops...by the way what's your name? Oh I'm Namjoon I'm Cl's boyfriend Yeah...You should go get her because she's really pissed off... I know that's why I'm leaving now.. *Jungkook stared at you deeply* Hello?? Are you not going too apologize?? *One of Jungkook's friend said* Hmm oh...I will Taehyung...Y-Y-Y/N I'm sorry.......*He looked down on the floor**You walked towards him and sat on his lap* Ah Jungkook it's ok *You played with his hair and he looked up at you* ....Y/N....I'm really sorry.... Jungkook-ah I said it's ok...*You saw a tear coming out of his eyes and you wiped it he hugged you* I don't knowwww what I was thinkingggg...Ahhhh... *You chuckled at him* Jungkook I said it's ok...Are you really going too apologize a lot? Yesss cause I couldn't resist youuu!! Haha well I have too go now...Bye Annyeong! *Jungkook said too you* Wow Jungkook you must really like her...*Smirk Smirk* Yah! Hobie Hyung!! Haha we all know Jungkook just say it! Jimin! Shut it before I make fun of your height! *Bell rings**In gym* Did he apologize Y/N? Hmm? Oh yea he did a lot... Good... Cl! Calm down! Gee! Not my fault! I saw those marks on your neck! Aish Jjinja! *Someone came too kiss Cl's lips* Namjoon! Hello! Ewww...Get a room! Shut it! Y/N! Oh wow now my cousin is being mean!*You felt 2 arms wrapped around your waist and a chin resting on your shoulder* Hmmm Y/N... Oh! Jungkook!! *You smiled* Ewwwwww get a room! Omg stop overreacting I just said that too you two and you guys say that too us even though we aren't dating... OHHHH! SOMEONE LIKES Y/N!!! YAH! HYUNG! *Namjoon ran around saying that in the gym while Jungkook was chasing him* Yah! Bitch over here! Oh hell nah Tzuyu shut your fucking mouth bitch! Haha Cl your nothing but a desperate bitch you just want Namjoon because of his money! And you Y/N! Fuck off of Jungkook! You think you can steal my boyfriend?? Eh? Ohh...I didn't know he was dating a ratchet bitch in Seoul High Academy...*Cl started laughing* YAH! You wanna go??? Bring it bitch let's see what you have! *She came closer and tried too slap you but you saw her heel and went around and kicked it which made her trip and fall* HAHAHHAAHA!*Everyone started laughing at Tzuyu* YAH! I'm not done you bitch! Tzuyu! Leave now! *Jungkook said angrily and you seeing his neck veins sticking out* Jungkoo calm down...*You walked too him and patted his shoulder facing him while he calmed down*
*Bell rings and it's the end of the day* *Outside*
You were waiting for Cl,Yoongi and Woozi along with Cl's boyfriend outside until you felt a slap Bitch! Oh hell nah *You slapped Tzuyu and punched her face until someone grabbed you and Tzuyu away* YahYahYah! Calm down Y/N... Ok I will...Wait who are you..? You turned around and saw Jungkook Oh hello! *You saw him smile and adored it* Wahhh your smile is so cute Jungkook it's like a bunnys smile Haha I know Y/N... You know where Cl and them are? They left already Y/N OMG! *You were really angry* Want me too walk you home? Nah when I get home I'll just see Woozi and Yoongi chasing eachother and Cl making out with Namjoon...And hear...Moaning.....In the room....Can I stay at your house for the night...? Ofc you can Y/N Omo! Thank you! *You hugged him and heard his heart beating* Let's go now