Jungkook loves playing with girls feelings until he meets a new student {Girl} That is very pretty her name is Min Y/N. Everyone calls her the perfect girl. Jungkook realize's that Y/N was his best friend in 3rd grade and started dating her~~~ I'm n...
Yoongi woke you up at 6:50 because he wanted some Starbucks along with Woozi you wanted some too so you got up and started getting ready. You went too take a quick shower. After a couple of minutes you putted makeup on and left your hair you putted the top in a bun and left the rest too straighten. You picked an outfit and took Jungkook's sweater that you had from Friday.
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You went downstairs and Woozi was waiting for you you gave a signal for him too go and he came you locked the door and closed it. Yoongi was driving for awhile and then we got too Starbucks Yoongi got his and Woozi got his Yoongi wanted too pay for yours and he bought another one for Jungkook you ordered A Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino and you got Jungkook Iced Caramel Macchiato. You guys went too the car and Yoongi drove too school. It was already 8:45 which meant class started.
{15 Minutes later...} We arrived late because of Yoongi's slow driving I went inside taking a sip of my Frappuccino while holding Jungkook's sweater and Macchiato in my other hand.
{In class..} Jungkook saw you walk in with Woozi and Yoongi with Starbucks you went too go sit by Jungkook and gave him his Macchiato. He smiled and whispered Thank You Y/N he kissed your lips and you kissed him back. Jungkook saw his black sweater on your lap and you gave it too him he shook his head and you gave ham a confusing look while drinking your Frappuccino. He said Y/N I don't need it because if your plaid shirt on of the buttons are not there he whispered and you immediately putted his sweater on and Jungkook zipped it up. The teacher called You,Woozi and Yoongi and asked why you guys are late, Yoongi said because our parents were having a meeting and we had too stay and listen for awhile ok??? Since we are the biggest company here in Seoul. The teacher was shocked he asked you and Woozi if it was true and you both said yes. Jungkook asked if he can have some of yours and you said yes since yours was still at the top you gave it too him and he drank some. The bell rang which meant it was lunch you and Jungkook went too the cafeteria together at the table since Cl and Namjoon decided too get married and continue school they went too America too finish school. You wanted too sit on a chair but Jungkook pulled your waist and you fell on top of his lap and felt his member you gasped but Jungkook covered your mouth quickly Jungkook moved his hips making you gasped and moan. Jungkook stopped and took his hand off from your mouth and you took a sip of your Starbucks. You where too busy drinking your Starbucks and Jungkook was moving his hand too your private he putted his hand there and started rubbing it and you felt it. You looked at Jungkook and he was smirking enjoying what he was doing too you. You gave up and moved your arm too his member and started massaging his balls he tilted his head back groaning making sure no one heard him groaning. You stopped and he did too Jungkook just held your waist tightly. Jimin said man...It's not fun anymore without Namjoon breaking thing's we all laughed at what Jimin said. Woozi replied Cl said they're coming back tomorrow! Everyone was happy Taehyung said too Jin damnnn that's your 4th slice of pie and Jin laughed and said Damn that's 4 cyphers you haven't been in and Yoongi was laughing with J-Hope because duh Tae isn't a rapper he's a vocal. Jungkook said too Taehyung You can't even rap and Taehyung replied Like how you can't even graduate?? We all laughed at what Tae said. Yoongi said too Jungkook I heard your grades are struggling and Jungkook replied Just like your hairline??? We all laughed and Taehyung went too Jimin and said You really have small hands Jimin looked at him and said yeah,but who's the better rapper between the two of us? Tae was done and sat back down. Jimin said too Jin Wow your lines are short and Jin said Like your chances with Jungkook??? Jimin shut his mouth after what Jin said and laughed Jin said asked Jungkook why is your hair 5 different colors? Jungkook asked Jin why do your kids have 5 different last names? Woozi said ok ok guys enough! Yoongi said why? Are you just too scared for it too happen too you? No Yoongi! I see you finally look your age Yoongi! Yoongi said and I see you still don't look like yours. Jhope said too Jungkook I heard your grades are dropping Jungkook said just like your mixtape?? We all laughed and stopped because there was a minute left we packed everything up and threw our trash away and went too our classes.
Me and Jungkook were going too gym and when we got in Cl and Namjoon were in there and you said Cl Unnie? Is that you? Jungkook said Namjoon Hyung is that you? They looked at you guys and said yes you hugged Cl happily and Cl asked what has been happening ever since they left you told her about today's roasting in the lunchroom and she was laughing the most at Jin and Taehyung's Cl said bruh Taehyung said Damn that's your 4th slice of pie and Jin laughed and said that's 4 cyphers you haven't been in. Ugh I'm laughing hard right now. Cl saw your finger with the ring she asked are you and Jungkook and you nodded quickly she opened her arms for a hug and you hugged her tightly my Little Pale Min Y/N is growing up! Y/N remember last week in the room? You were like wow ok it wasn't even my idea Jungkook said too me He "Wanted Too Make Love" and I said ok. Cl said you guys were being soo loud our parents wanted too hear and Me,Namjoon,Woozi and Yoongi were laughing soo hard at there reactions. You were just flushed and embarrassed at what Cl said. The teacher came in and everyone was coming in the teacher said Ok Class Today We Are Playing Basketball Get Into Groups Of 4! You,Jungkook,Namjoon and Cl got into a group of 4 you had the ball and Jungkook was coming towards you but you threw the basketball in the hoop and it went in Namjoon said Haha! You were defeated by your own girl Jungkook said like How Cl defeated you in arm wrestling? Me and Cl were just laughing. Irene came too Jungkook asking if he wanted too be partners and he said no because he was with you already. Irene ran away. Everything changed so fast Lisa,Jisoo,Jennie,Rośe debuted and only made one song with you and now they're really good at making music and are always busy now. You were asking for the ball from Namjoon and he threw it too hard and it hitted your face Namjoon gasped and Cl did too Jungkook came too you and hugged you and asked Y/N? Are you ok?? You said I think I am and Jungkook said What? What do you mean you think you are? Ok now I am You said you took the ball and ran and dribbled the ball too do a layup the ball went in and Jungkook was just stating there and asked Cl how you knew how too play and Cl said Yoongi. Jungkook asked for the ball and you said Yah if you want it THINK FAST! You threw it quickly and Jungkook caught it but dropped it you laughed and said Haha! Butter fingers!!! Ahh I'm dead! Whatever Y/N watch this he went too the free throw line and shoot but missed we were all still laughing especially you Jungkook got mad and told Cl and Namjoon too keep playing and he just took your wrist too the hall he was dragging you.
{In the hallway} Yah! Jungkook my wrist!! Let go! Yah! Jungkook pinned you against a corner and attacked your soft spot on your neck bitting it hardly you moaned loudly Jungkook moved an arm too your waist and held it tightly Ah! Yah! Jungkook! You were tugging his hair tightly but he didn't care he was just proud he got too punish you. Ahhh Jungkook! You know that's my sweet spot why would you do that? Yah! Jungkook bit your skin hardly and sucked the pain away Jungkook stopped and putted your legs around him he lifted you up higher and he went too your neck again. Jungkook was almost done he has giving you wet kisses on your neck after he was done with your neck he looked at you and said Mianhe Y/N. You pulled him into a kiss and he kissed you back he stopped and said Y/N let's stop we'll do this at my house another time ok? You nodded and saw Yoongi,Woozi,Cl,Namjoon,Jimin,Jin, Taehyung and J-Hope they were all clapping and saying wahhh Daebak! Jungkook is growing up!! Jungkook was blushing you went in front of him and hugged him and he burried his face into your neck and saw the marks he made on you he was happy and he touched it and you felt it but you didn't say anything.