Jungkook loves playing with girls feelings until he meets a new student {Girl} That is very pretty her name is Min Y/N. Everyone calls her the perfect girl. Jungkook realize's that Y/N was his best friend in 3rd grade and started dating her~~~ I'm n...
{4 weeks later in the morning at the Min house} You were sleeping until Y/N-Ssi! Wake up please it's time too go too school now. You woke up too Yoongi's voice and looked at him and he left and you woke up and felt sad because a week ago a student named Irene transferred too Seoul high academy and Jungkook's been looking at her. Even worst she's in your class. Jungkook hasn't been calling you nor talking too you it's like he forgot all about you. Your eyes were puffy for the past few days you didn't want too wear makeup. You just putted an outfit on with a pair of timberlands with your hair done.
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When you went down stairs Woozi gave you Cl's black mask too wear because he knew how upset you were every day and week. Your cousins have never seen you like this before. They only knew the nice Y/N but not the upset Y/N. You walked too school you looked at the bracelet that Jungkook gave you and took it off and put it in your pocket. When you arrived you saw Jungkook and Irene hugging and kissing. It's like Jungkook stops you and stabs your heart and wants you too forgive him. Your heart shattered into a million pieces...Your eyes were filled with tears your vision was blurry you closed your eyes and let's all your tears fallout. You didn't want too stay quiet anymore instead you shouted directly at Jungkook. YOU BASTARD! JUNGKOOK! HOW MANY TIMES ARE YOU GOING TOO DO THIS TOO ME..? You just walked too your classroom Jungkook looked up at you feeling bad.
{In class} You weren't paying attention too anything you saw Jungkook walk in you looked too your other side not wanting too face Jungkook. You putted your hoodie on your head and had your masked on you you putted your head down on the table and cried your eyes out. You had the bracelet in your pocket you turned too Jungkook's side and put it on his table. He looked at it and felt bad. Y/N....Please look at me...You just stood up making your way too the door until...Min Y/N would you mind taking your hood and mask off? The teacher asked. You did and everyone gasped their eyes were wide open too see your puffy eyes. Since you made friends named Lisa,Jennie,Rośe and Jisoo they were glaring at Jungkook. One of the girls asked Y/N what has gotten into you?? It's like your all quiet now. Lisa answered ITS JUNGKOOK'S FAULT!! HE MADE HER LIKE THIS!! IF IRENE DIDN'T COME TOO THIS SCHOOL EVERYTHING WOULD'VE BEEN OK! BUT NO! SHE TOOK JUNGKOOK AWAY FROM Y/N! You stood there knowing Lisa would go on. Jungkook was Jungshook because of what Lisa was saying. The teacher looked at you and said Y/N you and Jungkook should talk. You were holding your mask tightly making your hands go into fist you said No. Because talking was no use too Jungkook. Jungkook said ok too the teacher and took your wrist.
{In the hallways} Y/N...I'm sorry...You aren't even sorry you putted me in the fucking dirt Jungkook...Cl and Namjoon aren't here anymore because they got married and they live in America too study better...Y/N listen too me..Why should I? You don't even love me let's just end our relationship h- Jungkook hugged you so tight that your face aimed his chest. Y/N don't please...I'll be nothing without you even Yoongi Hyung and Woozi Hyung won't talk too me...You felt his tears already you looked up seeing his eyes red. You tried getting out but he wouldn't budge you saw your laces untied Jungkook bent down and tied your laces he took your wrist back too the room and said something too the teacher Mr.Yang may we leave school early? Mr.Yang nodded and you looked at the teacher shocked Jungkook held your hand he took you outside too his car and drove somewhere. You just took your phone and earbuds out but Jungkook quickly took it away. Yah! Let me use it! No! Jungkook said. Your phone was blowing up with text messages from Woozi's friend Mark Jungkook looked at you angrily. Who is Mark Y/N?!?!?! Why do you care?!?! He's Woozi's friend! I became close too him when you were busy with other bitches! Jungkook went quiet and took a turn a turn too a place that had a lot of houses he took a right. You already knew where he wanted too go it was his house. Yah! Take me home! I don't want too go here! No! We are going here! Why are you taking me?? You should be taking your slut Irene!! He looked at you and said What does she have too do with this? You gave up and Jungkook parked the car and opened your door and you got out Jungkook took you too the door he knocked on it and his Dad opened it greeting you you just walked past both of them. Jungkook came after you and made you sit on a chair at the dinning table and he sat next too you. Y/N? Is that you?? You looked up and saw your parents along with Yoongi,Woozi and Cl with Namjoon. You became quiet and didn't say anything. Yah! Y/N talk! Jungkook said. That's it! You got up from your chair and Jungkook looked at you. Jungkook I give up! Stop telling me what you want! It's always me apologizing never you! You don't treat me right! You don't give a damn about me! You care about Irene!! Yoongi putted something that was glass on the table Woozi,Yoongi and Cl gave you a signal too go ahead and break it you took it and smashed it on the ground. It was a picture of you and Jungkook. Jungkook we need to be done! You don't respect me! I'm so loyal too you! Yet you aren't too me!! You go out with so many bitches!!! YOU EVEN WENT WITH JISOO!!! I BARELY TALK TOO JISOO NOW!! BECAUSE OF YOU! SHE SAID YOU RAPED HER!! YOU HURT ME TOO MUCH! I GAVE YOU ALL OF MY HEART YET YOU TAKE IT AND BREAK IT!! YOU MAKE OUT WITH OTHER GIRLS! YOUR LOYAL TOO THEM!! Woozi went towards you and calmed you down and told you too sit down and you did. Jungkook's mother said oh is that why Jungkook was here with Tzuyu..? You heard that and left the table and said I'm not doing this stuff anymore. Jungkook held your wrist not letting you go anywhere. Y/N calm down! Your mother said. Eomma you don't even know what Jungkook has even been doing too me! You said and Cl,Yoongi and Woozi's parents said Y/N! You don't act like this too your boyfriend's parents!! You heard that and said Are you lying?? You replied too Cl's parents you serious? I love someone that hurts me daily..? Tears were coming out of your eyes. Jungkook doesn't deserve me...He doesn't love me...He loves Irene. Cl cleared her throat and said It's true Jungkook and Irene are dating....Irene was my closest friend until she told me that...She said they've been dating for 3 weeks now...Cl looked down not wanting too say anything Woozi said Irene told me too make Y/N stay away from Jungkook...Yoongi said Jungkook? You told me you were happy with Irene right?? Well if your so happy with Irene........Break.Up.With.Y/N.Now. Jungkook was terrified about what Yoongi was saying too him. You said Jungkook you hurted me. Love is like Playing With Fire...Cl heard that and said Yah? Didn't you make that song with Lisa and them cause it sounds familiar..You said yes I did because it was about Me,Lisa,Jisoo,Rośe and Jennie getting hurted by a boy. Everyone went quiet and Namjoon finally said something. Jungkook you love Y/N right? Jungkook nodded if you love her WTF ARE YOU DOING WITH IRENE?!?!?! Namjoon yelled at Jungkook and Jungkook said WELL I DO LOVE Y/N! BUT IRENE IS BETTER THAN Y/N! Your heart broke and Jungkook realized what he said and covered his mouth with his hand. You excused yourself too the guest room you went in there and locked it and slid down with your back on the door hugging your knees too your chest you letted all your tears out. All this time Jungkook loved Irene more than you and he was going too become your future husband. Someone knocked on the door and said Y/N it's us...You opened the door and Cl and them came in. And sat on the ground and you sat in the middle of Woozi and Yoongi and saw Jungkook you looked somewhere else until Woozi and Yoongi pushed you too sit by Jungkook. Jungkook wanted too hold your hand but you quickly putted your hands together not letting him hold it. Y/N let him Woozi said Fine Then! Me and Jungkook will never work out anyways! Jungkook held your hand Cl said Jungkook you need too stop because it's either you start loving her now because we are leaving Seoul. We are moving too Daegu. Jungkook was shocked you weren't because you felt that was going too come out of Cl's mouth you didn't even move you just pursed your lips and stayed still not doing anything. Then a girl came in the room it was Irene. She made you lose your mood you wanted Jungkook too let go of your hand but he held it tighter. Let go! Your "Barbie" Is here!! Jungkook looked at you and said take that back right now Y/N you shook your head making it a answer as no. Jungkook why are you holding her hand?!?! Irene asked. Jungkook said I-I can explain. Oh wow so it is true Jungkook we are Nothing you and Irene are something give me my phone I'm going too go to Mark's house. NO! YOUR STAYING Y/N! Jungkook said. Your phone was right next too him you grabbed it quickly and called Mark and he picked up. Y/N what's up? I'm coming over Mark! Why are you com-Before he can finish Jungkook took your phone and said Fuck off of my girl she's not coming over! Jungkook gave you your phone but you took it and threw it on the ground making it smash all over the room. FUCK!!! You yelled at Jungkook. YOU DON'T GET TOO MAKE MY DECISIONS!!! I GET IT YOU LOVE YOUR BITCH!! GEE! IM LEAVING TOMORROW! I DON'T WANT TOO SEE YOUR FUCKING FACE!!! ARGH! You punched the wall making a hole in it you were getting out of control. Yoongi and Woozi came towards you taking you to sit by them. Y/N you need too calm down your becoming your Dad right now this isn't you you haven't letted this side out for 18 years now! Woozi said making Jungkook curious what do you guys mean by that? Jungkook wanted too test you but Namjoon was shaking his head too a Jungkook. Jungkook was just smirking wanting too see what you'd do. JUNGKOOK YOUR FUCKING TESTING ME! You went towards him and punched his jawline you didn't care anymore. Argh! Jungkook was in pain but Irene was just standing there. WELL IRENE THE SLUT ARE YOU GOING TOO HELP YOUR BOYFRIEND?!?!?! Irene said he's not my boyfriend I'm just using him. You heard that and slapped her the slapped echoed through the room too the hallways of Jungkook's house. Irene said Ah! You bitch! My fucking face! You said you weren't even pretty anyways and Irene said Jungkook we are over and left the house. Y/N! Y/N! Stop! Your hurting him!! Yoongi said. Jungkook told them too go back and they did. Jungkook took you too his room and closed the door he went too his closet and took an ointment out because of your knuckles. You looked down your tears were coming out your eyes were red. Jungkook took your hand but you took it back and said Just leave it...The pain will just stay there...It'll never go away so stop...Jungkook didn't care he just took your hand and putted the ointment on your knuckles you hissed at the pain he did it very fast before you could do something. Y/N don't be like this! This isn't you! You gave up on talking you just stood there Jungkook pushed you on his bed making you lay down with your timberlands still on he untied them and took them off of your feet and putted them in his closet. You were laying down looking up at Jungkook's ceiling since you were wearing a crop top hoodie you felt a breeze on your showing part and got chills. You were still looking up at the ceiling until Jungkook layed on top of your body and stared into your eyes you saw his jawline and moved your hand too it and caressed it. He liked what you were doing he couldn't resist anymore he saw your neck and went too it giving you soft kisses to hickeys he went straight too your sweet spot sucking on it making you moan his name. Ahhh Jungkook...Hmmm ah..Jungkook kept going he did everything.