Jungkook loves playing with girls feelings until he meets a new student {Girl} That is very pretty her name is Min Y/N. Everyone calls her the perfect girl. Jungkook realize's that Y/N was his best friend in 3rd grade and started dating her~~~ I'm n...
*6:30 Am* You woke up still seeing Jungkook you woke him up and he looked at you,Y/N I love you so much...He pecked your lips. Les get ready now Jungkook, Ok he said standing up. Jungkook went too his closet too get changed, You went too your bag too get your clothes and shoes along with your makeup. You didn't see Jungkook in the room Hmmm he probably changed in the bathroom. Oh well I'll just change here. Ok done I'll just leave my other clothes here and time too get my bag.
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When you went downstairs you saw Jungkook and his parents eating breakfast. Oh! Min Y/N come join us! Jungkook's Mom said too you. Wait...Min Y/N? Your parents are the richest company in Seoul here along with your older cousins Cl,Yoongi,Woozi right? Yes I'm the youngest out of all of them! You smiled and walked towards a seat and sat down by Jungkook. Jungkook? Hmm Eomma? What is Y/N too you I mean I saw you and her...you know Jungkook sighed and said Eomma she's my girlfriend soon too be my wife since we have 2 years of highschool left. Jungkook how'd you fall in love with Y/N? Is it because she's pretty? Or? No Appa I fell in love with Y/N because of her personality he looked at you smiling while you were eating. Haha oh wow Jungkook Y/N is the perfect girl because she has real beauty like her Eomma she has her Appa's personality Jungkook since your our bunny is Y/N your carrot? Yes Eomma she is. Jungkook checked the time on his phone and it was 7:00 already. It's 7:00 let's leave at 7:10 he looked at you and you nodded too him. Y/N can we ask you a question? Jungkook's parents said you nodded as a reply for them. Since your parents and Cl,Yoongi,Woozi's parents are so busy with each other..Who do you live with? Oh me? I live with Cl,Yoongi,Woozi in a house. Jungkook's parents were talking too each other and you felt a warm hand rubbing your thigh in a medium pace you looked and saw Jungkook's veiny hands rubbing it he smirked at you. Jungkook looked at his phone and it was 7:10. Eomma we have too go now! Ok she said when you guys went out the door. You guys were walking too school you were carrying your bag until Jungkook said Y/N let me carry it for you ok? You nodded and he took your bag he also wanted too hold your hand but you weren't paying attention so Jungkook intertwined hands with yours and you looked down and back at Jungkook smiling happily.
You guys arrived at school at 7:30 everyone was looking at you and Jungkook holding hands you wanted too let go but Jungkook held it tighter because he saw a boy coming up too you. Hey you aren't you Min Y/N because I'd like too touch those jugs the boy winked you knew what he was talking about and you told Jungkook in his ear Jungkook was pissed off so he wrapped his arm around your waist and said I think you should fuck off right? Because do you want too deal with the baddest bitch in this school? Min Cl? That's Y/N's cousin along with Woozi and Yoongi? The boy was shocked he ran away at what Jungkook said too him he knew Cl would do something painful. Y/N? Hmm? Can I see your neck? Umm ok...Jungkook looked at your neck seeing all the hickeys on your neck he made last night and in the classroom he smirked he was happy of what he made on you. Jungkook I know you like it let's go inside now ok? He nodded.
{Inside the school} Jungkook was holding your hand he said I need too go to my locker...Let's go then you said. Jungkook was opening his locker he asked do you want me too put your bag in here? Yes Jungkook. You smiled until you felt a tap on your shoulder you turned around and saw Cl and Namjoon. Y/N where were you y-She saw your neck and gasped Jungkook turned around wrapping his arms around your waist. OMO....Did he? Did you guys? Are you guys..? Namjoon and Cl went on about questions Jungkook interrupted them by saying yes I made these now I own her because I'm her boyfriend yes I made her mine. Y/N is he lying? No you said too both of them. Let's go Y/N too 1st period now? Yes you said too him holding hands again with him making all the girls stare at you guys Jungkook saw boys staring at you too he wanted too show off he kissed your lips going too your neck again everyone gasped in the hallway making it go quiet Jungkook stopped and chuckled too everyone and said Back off of Y/N I swear too god I'll get you she's my property not yours. Jungkook Tzuyu is going too be mad one of the girls said. Oh really? She's going too get mad? I think your getting mad since your so fucking desperate for a boy Seulgi you always want Jimin but you forgot your sister Wendy took him away from you. She got mad and walked away. Tzuyu saw you and Jungkook she ran too Jungkook giving him a hug. Oppa! I missed you! Jungkook pushed her off saying I'm not your Oppa I'm Y/N's boyfriend not yours Tzuyu you had a chance with me but you cheated on with Taehyung when he didn't want too do that because I was his bestfriend but then you went too Yugyeom you desperate hoe. Tzuyu called you behind you when you were walking with Jungkook you stopped walking and turned around. Oh I'm the bitch?? I thought you were a slut,hoe and bitch here Tzuyu you shouldn't mess with me because- Because we are her cousins Tzuyu you know what you did last year too Cl and then you messed around with her. You turned around and saw 3 Mins really angry especially Woozi what Woozi said shocked you Jungkook and Y/N leave we got this Yoongi said.