Chapter 45

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I walked upstairs with Terrence and headed to the room. Chris was sitting on the bed, and Randi was standing in the middle of the room with her arms folded looking down. The atmosphere in the room was gloomy. Whatever it was that Chris was trying to hide, must've been really bad news. "Damn, why yall looking so sad?" Terrence asked throwing his hands up. Nobody said anything, and I began to get a little upset. "Oh, so nobody heard him talking?? Somebody start talking...NOW!" I demanded. I had no time for more bullshit, or the patience to wait to hear it. Chris looked over at Randi and she looked up. I guess she sensed him looking at her, and she gave him the face for him to start talking. "Babe, before I say anything, I need you to be as calmed as you can get." Chris said to me looking sincere. "I am calmed, now start talking" I said folding my arms and tapping my foot. "Ci, sit down, please!" Terrence said as he pulled me a chair. "Na, I don't need it, give it to Randi" I said as anger began to build up even more. I don't understand why they can't just tell me what it is, instead of being so dramatic and holding it in. "Babe, you're not calmed!" Chris said with his voice raising a little. "Look, fuck me being calmed. Spill the shit or I'm leaving!" I yelled and everybody whipped their heads towards me. Chris inhaled deeply, and slowly exhaled. "Kae called. She asked me to bail her out of jail!" He said to me and my vision turned red. I could no longer see anything in the room. My mind went blank, and all I wanted to do was kill her. I stood there silent, and I felt a hand on my shoulder. Finally I calmed myself down a little and asked. "So, are you going to do it?" with my arms still folded. "Now why the fuck would I do that?" Chris asked standing up from his seated position and walking towards me. "You better back the hell up, and watch how you're talking to me." I yelled back. "Whoa okay, it's getting too heated in here" Terrence said as he stood between us two. Randi still haven't said anything, she just stood there and looked. "Ci, I'm sorry, but the thought of her makes me angry. I wouldn't dare bail her out after the bullshit she put us through." He said and sat back down. "So Randi, why are you not saying anything? Why do you look so sad?" I asked trying to get something out of her. "Because I knew before you did. Chris wanted me to keep this to myself." She said and looked over at him hoping he wouldn't get mad that she told. I was even more heated. How could he tell Randi before me, and then wanted her to keep it to herself. I ran over getting ready to slap him when Randi blocked me. "Ci!!! Calm down. Before you get violent you need to know why!" She said as she pushed me back a little. "He wanted to keep it from you because you've been through enough these past few days. He didn't want you to get upset all over again. He had NO intentions on bailing her out." She said with a face looking like she wanted to cry. I glared at Chris and just stared straight into his eyes. There was nothing else I wanted to say about the situation. "I'll be back, I need some air!" I said and stormed out of the room. I don't understand why I'm so upset. He wasn't going to do it, but the whole situation just brought me back to the fight we had. I almost went to jail because of her, and now she wants Chris to bail her out? Straight bullshit! "Bae where you going?" I heard Chris asked. I put on a jacket, grabbed my keys and my purse and headed out the front door without answering.

After calling Ci and Terrence up, I started to get caught up in my feelings. I felt bad that I agreed to go through with not telling her about this. I couldn't even sit down, so I stood up and folded my arms looking down at the floor. I didn't even have enough dignity to look into her face as she walked in. Both Chris and I were as quiet as a mouse. Neither one of us wanted to say anything, but we knew something had to be said. "Damn, why yall looking so sad?" I heard Terrence ask. I couldn't respond, I was to ashamed to. I was hoping Chris said something, but like me, he didn't say anything. Ciera demanded that one of us started talking, but I just couldn't. I could sense Chris looking over at me, so I looked up at him with a worried look on my face. I was full of guilt, and it was tearing me up. I've never felt so guilty in my life. Not to mention, not knowing who the hell Terrence was talking to on the phone, and him not saying anything like it never happened. He should feel just as bad as I do for holding something in that should be said. Chris told Ci before he could say anything, she needed to be calm. Now I've known her longer than him, and once Ci gets mad, it takes a hell of a long time for her to calm down. Shit, he should've known from the fight with the girls. Guess he hasn't learned yet. She said she was calmed, but when she folded her arms, and started tapping her foot I knew she was getting worse. Terrence pulled up a chair for her to sit down, but she refused the offer. She told Chris to spill the news or she's leaving. I whipped my head over to her not knowing what 'leaving' meant. I didn't know whether she meant leaving the house, or leaving out of the relationship because of all the drama that's been going on. After Chris told her what happened, she just stood there. I don't know what was going through her mind, but I could tell it wasn't anything good. Terrence walked over to her and put his hand on her shoulder for comfort. For what seemed like forever of silence, she finally spoke. "So, are you going to do it?" with a slight attitude. That set Chris off, and he got up in rage and walked towards her. I got kind of scared because I didn't know what he was going to do. Terrence walked in between them, and I wanted to cry. I couldn't believe the situation got to the point where it looked like they were going to fight. This was mind blowing to me that all of this was happening at a blink of an eye. Ci asked me why haven't I said anything yet. My heart dropped when she confronted me. I didn't know what to do or say. I looked at Chris hoping he wouldn't get mad at what I was about to say. I told Ciera the reason why I was acting this way, and she ran to slap Chris. I had to block her because he didn't tell me to keep this a secret for a wrong reason. I had to explain to her why we were planning to keep it a secret, but she still wasn't putting up with it. "I'll be back, I need some air!" she said as she stormed out of the room. Chris tried to ask her where she was going, but she didn't answer.

All this shit was turning wrong. I didn't like what was going on, or the atmosphere in the room. I tried to calm Ciera down as best as I could, but it just wasn't working. I couldn't believe Kae even thought to call Chris like that. What makes her think he wants to deal with her after all the shit that just happened. I tell ya, stupid broads never learn. I kept looking over at Randi wondering why she was acting so weird, until I found out she knew about this. When did she even find out about Kae calling Chris? Things started getting heated when Chris got up and walked towards Ci. I knew he wasn't going to hit her, but his anger was definitely making it seem like that. I had to stand between them, because I didn't know what would happen. I walked from between them after Chris sat back down. Next thing I know, Ci runs towards Chris looking like she was getting ready to hit him, but Randi stopped her. I exhaled deeply, glad that she didn't hit him. I didn't want to see this go down like that. Randi looked like she wanted to cry and all I wanted to do was hold her and tell her it was okay. It must've really hurt her to try to keep that inside of her, away from Ci. Maybe that's why she was acting the way she was when we were downstairs. She's not very good at hiding her face expressions. In the mist of all of this, I'm trying to figure out what else does Randi know that she's not telling me. Did she hear me when I was on the phone with Tiffany's ass and she didn't say anything? I started going deep into my thoughts until I was knocked back into reality when Ci brushed past me and stormed out of the room. I don't know what else that had been said, but it was clearly the last straw for Ci. She walked out of the house not telling neither one of us where she was going. I shook my head knowing this wasn't going to get any better. Chris ran out of the room after her, and I went out until Randi called me back in. "I need you to sit down, we need to talk!" She said and closed the door. "Look, we need to make sure we know where Ciera is going, we can talk about whatever later on" I said and opened the door. Before I could walk out, Randi closed the door again. "Let Chris handle it, you...sit!" she demanded and I sat down giving out a heavy sigh.

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