Wanting: Chapter 4

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What the glob? He was staying at my house? What was I thinking? He drank crimson things, floated around, had fangs, his skin was totally not the normal color of a human being, he was just so abnormal. I let him crash with me anyways. He was decent at least, more than most I guess. Double checking my doors were closed, I changed into my oversized band shirt and short-shorts. Coming out, there were already grey apples on the kitchen flooring,

"The marshmallow are you doing?"

"You were taking forever in the bedroom and I got hungry, actually, I was starving..."

He came over to me, pushed the hair away from my neck and made a hissing noise before retreating his teeth from my neck. I grabbed more apples and threw them at his crotch. I was blushing mad of course and he held his tummy he was laughing so hard. Just about made me go rogue.

Many moments like this one happened with Marshall and I. The year consisted of petty fights he started on purpose. Over this time my hair grew darker and longer, it fell over my face in many weird ways. Soon, the vampire started wearing it as a hat or mustache or toupee. This boy wanted to make me mad. I think he had more bruises on him from be more then I had blushed in one day.

I began bringing strawberry's and jelly pastries and things along those lines for my "friend". He enjoyed them and wasn't harassing me for once. Only for a bit, then he was back to tying my shoelaces together. After everything, I didn't hate him at all whatsoever. To my surprise, my grades were getting better after the downfall earlier this year, Lee was a great tutor. Annoying enough as it was to hear him call me 'Little Miss Marcy" I dealt with the year at the top on class.

Now my eyes were turned toward the idiot I called my friend. I cocked my head at him and looked at the features. Dark hair, chiseled chin, porcelain complication. He could practically be my brother. It was scary, but he rubbed it in my face by calling me beautiful and saying he was referring to himself more. Now, he teased me with forehead kisses goodnight with calling be 'sissy'.

Made me so globbing mad.

More to the organized chaos this time had to offer was my parents going out even more, my mom more often than father. All of it was worrying and all of this made it so I couldn't go to bed at night. Endless thoughts attacked me as I tried to shut my eyes. After what it seemed like an hour, Marshall was knocking on my window acting as my alarm clock. Ritual by now this routine was.

In the course of one month, this all happened. All of this felt like a century though my nights lasted only a CSI episode. When was summer anyways? I asked myself this daily. Checking my calender though the days didn't seem to go as fast as the calender said they would. Marshall has a weird effect on everything, was he causing this? I would figure this out, I would have to. But this time hasn't ever felt so right. 

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