Chapter 1

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Malfoy pov

Why does everyone think that Dumbledore's death was my fault? Voldemort was going to kill me and my father if I didn't and it wasn't even me that killed him Snape did. I need to get away from the stares, especially Harry's.

I make my way to the room of requirement trying to go unnoticed, but it, of course, doesn't work. Harry, Ron, and Hermione are blocking my way. 'Mione is whispering in Harry's ear, probably saying that I'm up to no good and Ron is just giving me angry, disgusted glares. 

They won't move, and I'm in their faces. "Move. I don't have time for this." I'm getting ticked. "Oh yeah Malfoy and what are you going to do about run to your dear dead daddy." Ron says spitting in my face. That gets me to tear up, and I never cry. He just reminded me of what Voldemort has done to my family.

I'm about to sob when instead of them moving, I barge through them making them stumble out of the way. I run to the room of requirement. I am just about to run into the wall or door whatever you want to call it, but instead of running into it, it opens and closes behind me.

I let out a breathe of air and sob when I hear a voice. "Oh hello and wha-, oh my god are you alright?" I'm about to leave when the guy takes hold of my shoulder and he says, "Whoa hold on, I just want to check to see if your alright."

I break down completely because he is being so nice to me out of everyone in this school. I tell him everything from the beginning of when I met Harry to now. I don't know why I did, but I did. He hugs me and I break down all over again.

Merlin pov

I was making a healing potion again because of how bored I have been today. I have been going out throughout the school invisibly hearing that Dumbledore the headmaster was dead and it was because of a kid named Malfoy. But i know better and my magic future ball has something to do with it, so I know it was the kids' fathers' fault.

I'm half way through the potion when i hear the room of requirements room open, and I see the the Malfoy boy take a breathe and sob. I go up to him to see if he was alright and  he tries to leave when I stop him. He breaks down sobbing and tells me everything from the beginning of when he met Harry Potter to what happened between him, Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

I decide to comfort him, "Hey it's all right. None of this is your fault. They should not have said anything like that. Come on lets get something to eat." I start leading him to my dining table and sit him down. He starts to question me, "Why are you so nice to me when I have just told you all that I have done?" I reply saying, "Well because I have been in your situation a long time ago. So I can relate to this." "Oh." I pass him a plate of cookies and he starts eating.

While he eats he asks me the basic questions like how old I am, or how long I've been here, stuff like that. When he asks questions that are difficult without revealing who I am I avoid those. I keep a clock in here so I know what time it is whenever, and when I look at it, it is almost time for the curfew.

"Hey Malfoy it is almost time for your curfew. I don't want to get you into trouble." "Okay thanks. Can I... maybe... come by tomorrow?" "Yes, you can come by tomorrow. I enjoy the company. Goodnight." "Goodnight." And just like that he leaves.

Well it's time for bed. I get ready for bed and go straight to sleep.

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