Chapter 3

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Flashback of Merlin's Conversation with Professor McGonagall

 Merlin pov

"Listen Professor McGonagall, my name is Merlin, the last Dragonlord, an immortal, and I have been around since the time of King Arthur of when Arthur was still a prince. My age should be around 1400 years old. I had a destiny that I failed to fulfill. My destiny was to unite the five kingdoms with the Once and Future King and bring magic back to the land. Gwen did bring magic back, but she didn't unite the kingdoms. It had to have Arthur in order to fulfill that destiny. Arthur died, and I have to await his return for me to fulfill my destiny."

"I'll start from the beginning. I know you all thought that I have been dead for many years. As much as I want to answer every one of your questions, I can't at least not all of them until I am ready. Understand?" "Yes, I understand. I would like to ask you a question, if I may?" She asked as to make sure she is not overstepping the boundary. "Ask away," "How long until you fulfill your destiny?" "The day Arthur comes back. Even I don't know when he will come back."

"Alright I will answer the rest of your questions after I tell my story, but before that let me clarify a few things. My magic is me. I am magic. I use magic of the Old Religion, or, what you would say, wandless magic. I can't use the new magic, or wand magic. My magic is so powerful it will obliterate the wands I use. Instead of blowing up the wands over and over again, I built my own wand. The wand I created myself can turn into a staff when I want it to. I am the last Dragonlord." 

"The power of the Dragonlords is passed down from father to son by death. If I had three sons and I died, the power will go to all three of my sons, but that is an example of how the power works. There is only one Great Dragon left, Athusa. (AN: Is that how you spell it?). Kilgharrah was the one to give me advice through ridiculous riddles, but they helped most of the time. The druids are no longer around they died out after Camelot fell at the end of Gwen's reign. Arthur was killed by a druid boy, and I regret not getting there in time."

"Now onto my story. I just got into the Camelot village from a three day hike from my home, Eldor. As soon as I reach the Kingdoms square, I see the hanging of a Sorcerer. I was scared of them ever finding out about me. The mother of the boy wanted revenge for her son and said 'an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a son for a son' and disappeared. I was sent to Camelot by my mother, Hunith, to find Gaius, the court physician to help me with my power. He was a retired Sorcerer, and my mother knew he could help me control my power."

"When I entered his chambers, He was on the latter getting something from high up on his shelf, and I startled him. He fell, but instead of him dying from old age and falling, I stopped time and had his bed go underneath him to have him land on a soft surface. I used magic, without words but on instinct. He asked me where I learned, and I told him the truth; I never learned magic. What he said was impossible was possible through me. Magic run through my veins."

"Next day while running errands for Gaius, I come across Prince Prat, Arthur. Yes I did call him that all the time along with cabbage head and clotpole. Arthur and I got into a fight and I discretely used my magic to fight him. That clotpole never knew even though all the clues were right in front of him. Gaius told me to never use magic like that ever again. Mind you I never listened, even when I should have."

"During my first night there, someone would call me in my sleep. I had enough of the voice and followed it to the deepest part of the dungeons. It opened up to a huge underground cave where the last Great dragon, Kilgharrah, was kept as an example. King Uther blamed magic for taking his wife from him and killed anyone or anything that had magic. That started when Arthur was born, but I'll get to that later. Kilgharrah was the one who told me of my destiny. My destiny was to unite the five kingdoms and protect the Once and Future King. He told that that king was Arthur. I told him that he got the wrong guy and that I would gladly help kill him. That never happened of course."

"King Uther held a feast later on. The mother who wanted revenge for her son killed the singer and disguised herself as the singer in order to kill Arthur. Her song put everyone who hears it asleep using magic. Cobwebs appeared and everyone fell asleep, but I covered my ears. I saw where she was standing; she was standing underneath the chandelier. I used my magic to crash the chandelier onto her. Her target was Arthur, and with the last of her energy she threw the knife in her hand at Arthur. I quickly ran up to Arthur and got him out of the way. She died, and I was awarded to be Prince Arthur's manservant. I wouldn't even call that a reward."

"My magic progressed every time someone tried to kill Arthur. They succeeded in killing Uther, but that was during my fourth year at Camelot. I got stronger and stronger and so did Arthur. It lasted all the way until Arthur died and I failed my destiny. Ever since then after Camelot fell over the years, I decided to make a magic school out of the ruins of Camelot. I decided to call this school Hogwarts. I did this with the help of the four houses. Griffyndor, house for the brave, Slytherin, house for the cunning, Ravenclaw, house for the wittiest, and Hufflepuff, house for the loyal."

"I have been here since this school was Camelot."

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