Chapter 4

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Harry pov

(After Merlin took Malfoy with him to his chambers)

Who was that guy that seemed to appear out of nowhere? Where did the guy come from? How old was he? Why was he with Malfoy? All of these questions are circling around my head, but one question seemed to stick out., how did he know Professor McGonagall? The guy appeared out of no where and started talking to Professor McGonagall in hushed tones. 

I can tell that Hermione is trying to figure out what was going one that had to deal with the stranger. None of the students or teachers seem to know who he is except Professor McGonagall and Malfoy. I turn to look at the Professor to see her smirking at everyone because she knew we did not know the stranger.

Ding. Ding. Ding

Professor McGonagall stood up to say something, "Students I have chosen a new Headmaster and he accepted the role of Headmaster. I will announce who it is tomorrow at dinner as well as he will show himself. That is all and it is time for bed. Goodnight students."

What!? She has already chosen a new Headmaster? But it has only been three days since she announced that she was searching for a new Headmaster. I look to Hermione and it seems we have the same thought. Who is the new Headmaster?

Hermione pov

I'm in the Gryffindor common room looking up in books of who the stranger in the dining hall was. So far, no luck. Why was he associated with Malfoy? Did Harry even catch on to how the stranger knew Malfoy? I have to tell him or it could be trouble.

I see Harry enter the common room, and I go up to him. "Thank god I found you. Did you catch on to how the stranger knew Malfoy?" Harry is looking like he completely forgot that simple detail. "I completely forgot about that. This could mean trouble is coming." I knew he forgot. "We have to tell Professor McGonagall about this. We will tell her tomorrow before dinner." "Alright good thinking I'll tell Ron later." He walks off to the boys dormitory and I go to the girls to get some sleep.

Time Skip - Morning

Professor McGonagall pov

Everyone is in the dining hall for breakfast when I am approached by Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley. They seem worried about something, and that something must be about Merlin. Hermione starts, "Professor McGonagall, we believe that the stranger is up to no good since he could be trying to work for Voldemort even though Voldemort is gone." Oh boy this is quite an assumption. "There is nothing wrong about the stranger you saw yesterday." Ron tries, "But-," "No 'buts' Mr. Weasley, now you three go take a seat and eat." They do just that with no more arguing.

I all of a sudden remember what Merlin told me just before I left the Room of Requirement.


Oh just before you leave Professor, my name is Merlin Emeris. If the students question about me, just call me Mr. Emeris.

Flashback End

Just before it is time to start classes I go up to the trio and tell them, "Just so you three know his name is Mr. Emeris." Then I leave.

Time Skip - Dinner

" Hello students, as you know, I have chosen a new Headmaster.He is here in this room, but he will not show himself until I introduce him. The reason why I chose him is because he showed compassion to one boy who truly needed someone to lean on. He believes in the well being of others, he is loyal, smart, brave, and cunning. Ladies and gentlemen, I give to you the new Headmaster, Merlin Emeris." I am so glad that I chose this man.

Merlin pov

I show myself to the students and the noise of clapping goes down because all of them recognize me as the stranger from yesterday. Especially a Miss Hermione Granger. Many of the teachers have fish mouths because my name is Merlin. Well time for the agonizing speech.

"Hello, I am your new Headmaster, as you now know me as Merlin Emeris. I will allow you to ask me questions one at a time after I am done with this because I am not good at speeches," a few people laugh at that especially Malfoy, "My house is mostly Slytherin, but I am a combination of all the houses as Professor McGonagall pointed out. Which I am flattered by the way. I am glad that she chose me to be the new Headmaster. Thank you. Alright question time, who has questions?"

Almost all of the students' hands go up to ask a question. I choose a Ravenclaw girl, "Are you the Merlin from King Arthur's time?" "Yes I am I am probably around 1400 years old. I lost count a long time ago. Next question." I pick a Slytherin, "What magic do you use?" "I use the Old Religion which is also known as wandless magic, I cannot use the wands from today which is used for what I call new magic because they blow up, so I created a wand so I am able to use it in many a ways and forms."

I pick on many students with many questions all up until it was time for bed, but the last question is from Miss Granger, "Where did you come from, why are you here, how do you know this place so much?" "Well Miss Granger, Hogwarts was actually founded by me and the four houses. I designed this school for magic. This place was built partly out of the ruins of Camelot. That is why I came up with this so long ago. That is the last question you'll have plenty of time in the future, but for now it is time for bed."

With that the dining hall clears out. Malfoy looks over at me and gives me a smile, and I smile back. I go to my chambers and go to sleep.

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