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A/N: Dear Readers,

As described in the 'House of Hades', Tartarus the Primordial of the Pit and Punishment, possesses immense power (Well, duh). So, if Percy is the one to defeat Gaea then he surely has to be more powerful. Percy will be blessed by Chaos (not exactly), but guys I assure you all that this is not a cliché 'Chaos Story'. Concept of this story will be more clear to you, once you finish reading this chapter.

Disclaimer: Sadly I do not own PJO or HoO series, because Rick Riordan owns it.

3rd Person's POV:

It was just another fine day in Rome; the sky was brilliant blue, as the sun rose over the hills. People crowded the cobblestoned streets, as traffic clogged near the old Stucco Villa with the red-tiled roof. Oblivious to these people, a catastrophic event was taking place in the underground cavern under the parking-lot of the Emmanuel Building.

A boy was hanging on a ledge for his dear life. His face was white with efforts. It could be seen in his sea-green eyes that his situation was hopeless, but there was also a look of fiery determination to save the girl, who helplessly tugged on his left arm. The blonde haired girl pleaded him to let her go, but she knew that nothing was going to change his decision; he was way too stubborn for his own good.

Percy's POV:

The pit was shaking, and Percy's left arm was the only thing that was keeping Annabeth from falling. He was barely holding on to a ledge the size of a bookshelf. His right arm felt like it was pulling free of his body. Pain washed everything in red. The force of the abyss tugged at him like dark gravity. But, suddenly a voice resonated from the pit, the voice held authority and immense power.

'There is no escape to this child', said the ancient voice in the darkness below. 'Let the girl fall.' He didn't know why, but he was obliged to listen to what the voice said him to do. 'This is a trap, which would kill you from inside. ' Loyal as he was, he chose to ignore the advice and hung there in desperation to save Annabeth.

Nico leaned over the edge of the pit, thrusting his hand, but he was too far away to help. Hazel was yelling for the others, but even if they heard her over all the chaos, it wouldn't be up to any avail, they'd never make it in time. A plan formed in his mind. Ideally, Annabeth was always the one to come up with a brilliant plan in these life-death situations.

But, this was not an ideal situation, at the present time the case here was different. He analyzed the situation the best way to work his plan. He knew that he had enough strength left only to save Annabeth, but not him. Using the last ounce of energy in him, he gathered all the moisture around the pit and formed a protective sheath of it around Annabeth. He willed the water to gently push Annabeth out of the pit, laying her beside the son of Hades. Successful in his attempt to save Annabeth and asking Nico to meet him on the original Mount Olympus, he let go of the tiny ledge as he lost his consciousness, falling into the endless pit of darkness.

*Dream State: Start*

As he fell into the embrace of the darkness, he knew he was dreaming, as his surroundings immediately changed. He was in a throne room, suddenly a familiar voice resonated in the room. As he turned, he saw a powerful deity sitting on the throne. The powerful entity had miniature universe for his eyes, his head was bald and he wore a pained smile on his face. He was wearing a jet black pinstriped suit. The power that radiated from him was easily a thousand of times stronger than that of the combined of the Twelve Olympians. It was Chaos, The Creator.

"Lord Chaos, why would you stop me from helpin-"  said Percy as he bowed his head in respect as addressed the being, the creator of the Universe.

"There is no need to bow to me Perseus, I am not like those pesky Olympians," said Chaos. "As for stopping you from helping the girl, I guess you will have to figure it out yourself."

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