Chapter 6

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A soft sponge like pair of lips planted a kiss on my nose, I layed there for a while. Luke just kissed my nose, how adorable, I fluttered my eyes open, “sorry for waking you” a raspy voice spoke, it was Beau who happened to look a little pink in the face,I was completely confused but smiled anyways, “its fine, lets go have dinner, im hungry”, he gave me a strange look and then started to laugh very loudly, “what? Whats wrong?” I said wondering what was so funny, “its morning” he giggled, I felt my cheeks start to burn, I put my head into Beaus pillows and started laughing, “why is it so quite?” I said listening closely around the house, usually it was noisy from Luke and Jai, “boys are at school” he simply stated, wow, it was already Monday, the weekend went past very quickly. “why aren’t you?” I then realised that Beau was still home with me, “ive finished school Sky” he giggled, I liked the nickname Sky, no one has ever called me that.

We discussed a few things over breakfast, “so I have to go to work soon, want to come?” he questioned, “but its okay if you want to stay here” he added, but truth was, I didn’t want to stay by myself anywhere, I was scared, scared of my dad. “of course Ill come, going to go have a shower first though” I smiled lightly, he simply nodded shoving a spoonful of cereal into his  mouth. I sat down again the shower and got my little razor out, it was becoming a habit of doing it, it was my only outlet of everything,  I dug down into my skin, the red liquid over flowed my skin, it felt like I could control the pain. The more I thought about my Dad and what he put me through, just made me go deeper, the water was soon stained a light red colour, “hurry up Sky, your taking forever, I need a shower. Just leave it running, are you decent?!”  Beau complained from the other side of the door, I jumped up out and shoved the razor into my bag, wrapped a towel around me, “decent” I yelled, the door flung open and we both ran into each other, I dropped my bag, the stained red razors and band-aids spilled out all over the ground, I dropped down quickly trying to pick them up before he could see them, but it was too late.

About 5 minutes had passed I had gotten dressed and brushed through my hair, then applied quite a bit of make-up, when I get nervous I tend to put a lot on, I sat on Beau’s bed texting Luke.

*text from Lukey<3

“hey, have a good day, don’t get to bored without me, I have tennis traning so ill be home later tonight, sorry I didn’t say goodbye, didn’t want to wake you (: hope your feeling better xxx”*

*text to Lukey<3

“Good morning, cant wait to see you, im going to work with Beau, sorry about last night, ha. Don’t know what got over me :\ tell everyone else I said sorry aswell, xxx”*

Although me and Luke only just met a couple of days ago, we were great friends, really close, we just clicked. “Sky” Beau said sitting down next to me and interrupting my deep thoughts, I looked at him, “please don’t do it again, your beautiful, you don’t need to do that” he said softly grabbing my jaw, so I couldn’t look away from him, I just nodded slightly, he engulfed me in a hug, “promise?” he lips brushed across my ear, his warm breath on my skin sent shivers through my body. “promise” I sighed, I don’t know if I could keep the promise, but I had to, for Beau. He grabbed my wrist, I yelped in pain, he touched where I had just cut, he saw the scars and the fresh ones. He simply kissed my wrist and smiled, “make me a promise?” I spoke up, he nodded, “don’t tell Luke, please?” I finished weakly, “keep yours, ill keep mine” he smiled.

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