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Emily's POV

I'm finally allowed to go home to the Gunnarsen's. Martinus hasn't let go of my hand during the whole ride. I think he's just really worried about me.

"Martinus, are you okay? You've been squeezing my hand tightly for the whole ride," I ask, looking over at him. He blushes and pulls me in for another hug. This is probably the tenth hug he's given me since we left the hospital.

"I just can't lose you again. I really thought you were going to die," he answers, twirling a piece of my hair in his hand. I smile at how cute he is.

"We're home!" Gerd-Anne exclaims before I can respond. Martinus opens the door and steps out of the car before I do. After walking inside the house, Emma runs down to greet me.

"EMILY!" she screams, clearly excited.

I laugh and pick her up. "Hello, Emma! How are you?' I ask while hugging her. She pokes my face and laughs along with me.

"I'm good now that you're home! Martinus wouldn't sleep, eat, or even talk to一" she replies before Martinus interrupts.

"Okay, Emma. That's enough now. Emily and I need to have some time together now," he says, pushing her away and taking my hand. He leads me to a special room, a room I have never noticed before.

He takes a key out of his pocket and grins like a five-year-old. "This is an important room to me. I'll show you why it's so special," he explains.

He dramatically puts the key in the keyhole and starts to unlock it slowly. After a minute of slow opening, I roll my eyes and giggle.

"Stop being so dramatic. Save it for television shows and movies," I say, smiling wide.

He laughs as well and quickly unlocks the room but doesn't push the door open. "Go ahead, Em. See what's inside," he says, putting his hands in his pockets.

I bite my lip. What could possibly be in that room? What's so special about it that it needs to be locked? Why does Martinus want to show me it? So many questions appear in my head but I shake them off. I look at the doorknob. Only one way to find out what's behind this door. By opening it. Duh.

I take a deep breath and open it wide. Looking around the room, I gasp.

{385 words}


What's so important about that room? 

What do YOU think she saw?

Sorry, it's been so long. I've been on writer's block AND I've been so busy. 

Hope you like this chapter! Go read my other book, Speechless, too!

As Always, My Hannators,


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