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Throughout the ride to the hospital, I don't hear anything. All I see is my angel on the stretcher with her eyes closed. If only I had been able to stop him from hurting her. If only I did something. My phone rings. Marcus. I ignore it. He calls again and I sigh. I know him, and until I answer, he won't stop calling.

"What, Marcus?" I snap. He sounds like he was taken aback by my tone of voice. I don't usually snap at him unless he snaps at me first.

"Where are you?" he asks, obviously not really caring. Mom probably asked him to call me.

"None of your business. Especially since it's your fricking fault!" I say, my voice cracking a bit.

"What? I haven't done anything! What do you think I've done?"

"You and your so-called 'friends' were the reason that Em took those pills to try to end her life," I snap into the phone. There's a pause.

"W-What?" he stutters, "She didn't. She's fine Martinus. Probably just sleeping."

"No, she's not. I don't know if she'll live but I don't want to see you taking any more drugs. It's hurting everyone around you when you do," I reply, slightly calmer. I tell him that I'm going to the hospital with her and I'll call him when I want to go home to go to bed. He agrees and we hang up right when we get to the hospital.

The nurses rush her to surgery while I wait in the waiting room. I'm not allowed to go in until they give her surgery so all the pills are out, and when they think she can have visitors. Since her parents are in jail, I'm the only one there to support her and to help her. I don't ever want to leave her. If she goes, I go. That's how it works. At least for me and her.

"Martinus Gunnarsen? You may see her now," the doctor says after a couple hours. I sigh in relief and walk into the room.

She's peacefully sleeping on the bed. The heart monitor is beeping and not making that noise it makes when someone dies, so she's not dead. I hold her hand. I hope she can hear me.

"Angel? Baby? My love? I love you. I'm so sorry. I didn't protect you enough. I'll do better. I love you so much. Please wake up soon. I can't live without you," I say, some tears falling down my cheeks.

"She can hear you but she will have no reaction for the time being until she wakes up. She's in a coma. You can ask her questions though. For example, you could ask to squeeze your hand twice if she's okay," the doctor explains. I nod and look back at her.

"Em, if you can hear me, squeeze my hand once," I say. She squeezes my hand. I smile. She's alright.

"I miss you so much. I'll protect you more. Squeeze my hand twice if you promise to not leave me again," I say, wiping off the tears from my cheeks. She shakily squeezes twice. Perhaps that's how she shows a sign of lying?

"Angel, please don't lie to me. I can't lose you again. My heart shattered into a million pieces when you almost left me for good. I don't want to feel like that ever again," I say. I hug her and kiss her forehead. She's so beautiful even though she's in a coma. I tell her that I'll come back to check on her but I have to go because it's getting late. I call momma.

"Momma, can you come get me?" I ask.

"Of course, Tinus. See you in five minutes," she says before hanging up. Five minutes later, she arrives and I hop into the car.

"Is Emily okay?" she asks, a little worried that she wasn't.

"She's alive. That's all that matters to me. I can't lose her again. I didn't love her enough. I didn't protect her enough. But I promise one thing now, Mom. I promise that she will be loved. I love her and I'm never going to let anyone or anything get in the way of it," I respond. Momma smiles.

"My good boy. You never seem to stop thinking about her or wanting to protect her in some way, huh?" she asks.

"Of course not! She's my everything and I don't want to lose her," I reply. "I love her with all my heart."


Woah. One of my longest chapters! I may or may not post this week because Wednesday is my birthday. 15 years old! WOOHOO! XD Was it a good cliffhanger or nah? I'm really bad at cliffhangers haha.

Anyway, vote, comment, share, and follow! Hope you guys like my story even if it is depressing haha. I will be posting in the next month or so my new book, Speechless. I know I'm not a constant writer, but I hate writing when I don't have inspiration or ideas. If I write when I have no ideas/inspiration, the test becomes boring and just BLEH! So I want to keep this story going without super boring parts (unless it's a filler).



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