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"Yes, Joonie, I will be home soon. I had to take Ken home after he decided to drink half a bottle of vodka for dinner." Jin says as he walks towards their house. "Okay, but Jungkook is in littlespace and Hoseok is starting to slip." Namjoon admits over the phone as he cleans up from their dinner, occasionally looking into the living room to check on everyone.
"Okay, are you feeling little?" Jin asks and Namjoon hesitates before anwsering, "I tried slipping earlier, it just didn't work, so I assumed it wasn't very needed today."
"Can you give Jimin the phone, please?" Jin asks and Namjoon jogs into the living room to hand the phone to the mochi.
"Hey, Jin-hyung, what do you need?" Jimin asks, running his finges through Hoseoks hair as he falls asleep with his thumb in his mouth. "Joonie is feeling little, but he can't slip, do you think you can help him before I come home?" Jin ask and doesn't catch Jimins anwser-which was an okay-because he was distracted by a quiet, childlike sobbing from a nearby stack of boxes.
"Jimin, don't hang up on me, but be quiet." Jin says with no context, worrying the younger that does as he was asked.
"Is someone here?" Jin says quietly, walking into the alleyway, the smallest piece of a dirty blue blanket, peeking out from a large box catching his eye as the box sniffles. "Hello?" Jin questions, squatting infront of the box, knowing that the person in it would be very small and not harmful.
"W-what do you-you want?" A small voice questions and Jin almost coos. "I was hoping you would come out and talk to me, it is awfully cold out and I have an extra room at my house." Jin says and then a small head pops out of the boxes opening. Jin was shocked, to say the least. Not so much as how bruised the boy was, but the dirty pair of twitching, white cat ears that were sticking out of his full head of matted hair.
"People don' like Yoongi- he lil and halv an'mal." The boy says, crawling all the way out, revealing his entirely too skinny, shivering frame, covered in blood, dirt, and no clothes. "I think Yoonie is very pretty, but so skinny! Do you think Yoonie would like to come with me and get some clothes, a bath, and some food?" Jin says and the boys eyes sparkle. "Really?" Yoongi says and when Jin nods, the small hybrid jumps into the mans arms, exclaiming his thanks.
"Would you like me to carry you?" Jin asks and Yoongi nods, feeling sleepy, so he lays his head on Jins shoulder, quickly falling asleep.
Jin suddenly remembers Jimin on the phone and pulls it out of his holster, "Jimin, you still there?" Jin asks.
"Hyung! You scared me, I heard a lot of mumbling, what happened?" Jimin all but yells through the phone and Jin notices that the loud tone makes the small hybrids tail twitch.
"Quiet down, there was crying coming from an alley, so when I checked it out, there was a beaten hybrid, who is also a little. So I am bringing him home with me right now, so when the littles are all asleep, I will need you or Taehyung to go get some supplies because he is too small to use Jungkooks diapers." Jin says and hears a small hum of agreement.
"I will make a bath for him, see you when you get back." Jimin says and hangs up right as Yoongi loses control of his bladder in his sleep and urinates on Jins stomach and chest. When Jin realises what had happened, it takes a lot of his self control to keep walking as one of his kinks has just been preformed. The wetness make Yoongi wake up from discomfort and when he feels what he did, he starts crying. "Baby boy, whats wrong?" Jin questions, still trying to keep away his boner. "I-I peepeed on-on you!" He wails and Jin rubs his back. "It is okay, you can't control it, we are going to go home and get a bath, how does that sound?" Jin asks and Yoongi gasps. "Bubbles?" He asks and when Jin nods as he carries he small boy up the stairs to his house, Yoongi squeals in excitment. "Now, you'll have to be a little quiet inside, there three other littles inside, but they might be sleeping and we don't want to wake them, now do we?" Jin says and Yoongi shakes his head no while his expresion stays shocked and his eyes sparkle in happiness.
"No, Mo-Hyungie." Yoongi says and Jin slightly frowns that Yoongi stopped himself from calling him Mommy. "Now, Yoongi, do you have any other head spaces besides your little one?" Jin questions and the boy nods before Jin carries him inside. "Aww, he really is cute, but definetly needs food. My name is Jimin, what would you like to eat?" Jimin asks, looking at Yoongi with a soft smile. "Cheesy." Yoongi mumbles, shoving his face into Jins chest out of shyness. "I will make macaroni, then. Everyone else is asleep and the bath is ready in your bathroom." Jimin says and walks away while Jin starts going to his room.
"Baby, you said you have other head spaces, can you please tell me what they are?" Jin questions, wanting to know how to prepare for him. When Jimin and Taehyung get left alone, they will go into puppy space, so he knows a little about animal mind sets. "Baby and sometimes, I feel like a baby." Yoongi says and bouces slightly before Jin sets hims on the closed toilet lid. "Okay, I will order some stuff for you later, but I want to know why you were crying in the alley." Jin says and starts to take his clothes off since they reaked of urine. "Mr. Jiho wasn't nice and he threw me outside when I was a kitten, so I woke up in an alley and it was scary." Yoongi says with a whine before his jaw drops at how dominant Jin looks when his broad shoulders are on full view. "Well, when big Yoongi is ready to talk to me, we can discuss a few things." Jin says and his expression fills with confusion as Yoongis eyes start to water. "Big Yoongi doesn't come out anymore. He says me only now, but he tells me things to say, sometimes. He says he likes how you treat Yoonie." Yoongi says and Jin almost melts. "Well, then let me ask a question for big and little Yoongi, do you know what sex is?" Jin asks, knowing that is he brought the new little in, he would at least see some kinky shit if he didn't want to be involved in it. "We both know, there are some days that I really want it to make the pain go away. Big me calls it heat, but it always hurts for a few days."
Jin nods at this and decides he is a perfect new addition to the family. "Well, there are some rules, but would you like to live here?" Jin asks and Yoongi rapidly nods. "Good because I wasn't going to let you leave, now lets get you in the bath so that you can eat." Jin says and starts stripping Yoongi down. "Will you be my mommy?" Yoongi asks, "I am already your mommy if you live here, silly." Jin says and places the small boy into the warm water. "Momm, get in to?" Yoongi says and Jin quickly realises that the boys mindset is getting smaller, so he nods and takes the rest of his clothes off before climbing in behind Yoongi. "Before you go into a different headspace, I want you to tell me when your next heat is." Jin says and grabs a rag to start scrubbing the layers of dirt off of the hybrid. "Yoongi says three days. I kitten, please?" Yoongi says, ending with a whine as he tries to hold his current mentality. "Go ahead, baby." Jin says right as the boy lets out a loud mewl and starts rubbing against the eldests' chest, leaving dirt smudges. Jin lightly pats his head before starting to scrub all of the dirt off of his new babies body and hair, ignoring the whines and mewls of protest.

After completely cleaning Yoongi and struggling to ignore the small boys boner and his own, he carries the naked boy to the kitchen with a towel wrapped around his waist. "Why does he a have a boner?" Jimin asks from the stove as he starts to dish up the mac and cheese. "He went into kitten space and when I was cleaning him, I pulled on his tail a little. So now I know his sensitive spot, but his isntant response was to start grinding on me." Jin states and sets the squirming boy on the floor who instantly starts rubbing over Jins legs. "Well, mabe he will still eat if we just set it on the floor." Jimin says and squats down, setting th bowl in front of Jins feet. Yoongi gives a small sniff before basicallly inhaling the food.
"Should I give him more?" Jimin asks, seeing the empty bowl and meowing kitten. "Probably not. His stomach isn't that big and he is in this headspace, meaning walking on all fours leaves for bad digestion." Jin says and picks Yoongi up, seeing that he still has a boner.
"You going to initiate him?" Jin asks with a smirk and Jin smacks Jimin upside the head. "He doesn't have a safeword yet and I don't know his preferences. Lets get him used to being around everyone first since he will be in heat in three days." Jin says and Jimins eyes widden. "Heat means he can get pregnant." Jimin says and Jin nods slowly in understanding. "I will buy some condoms then.... I guess if he does end up getting pregnant, which if he is in kitten space and you or Tae slip and go through a rut, we will just have real babies." Jin says and pulls Jimin into a tongue filled kiss.
"You did so well today, baby. Takig care of everyone, thank you." Jin says and walks back to his room with Yoongi, who starts licking his masters chest.
"Remember, we need to go over stuff before we can do anything. So lets go to bed." Jin says puting on a pair of boxers and laing in the bed. Yoongi stares for a minute before wiggling under the covers and laying on Jins back, curling into a ball and falling asleep, still naked.
'This is going to be a fustrating night.'

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