22-Discovery of Taehyung

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"Okay, so why are we going to an abandoned warehouse again?" Jimin asks as Namjoon and Hoseok pull him towards a creepy looking building. "So, there are prostitute sales everywhere, most prostitutes have no issue with what they are doing, but some are forced into accepting it. So we need you to abserve with us and see if we can find someone to help. Plus, people with headspace tend to be good at finding eachother." Hoseok admits and Jimin nods, slowly following, wincing at the stench of sex as the door is opened. "Stay by our side." Namjoon mumbles as they all hold hands and make their way to the back of the room.

"That had no use." Hoseok grumbles as the three exit and Namjoon nods while Jimin frowns, hearing light sniffles from somewhere near. "Do you not hear that?" Jimin asks, turning towards the alley that it was being produced from. When Namjoon and Hoseok shake their heads, the three jump at the sound of a large crash and scream before the dominants are running after Jimin as he rushes to check what is happening. "I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO GO ON THE STAGE?!" A large man yells at the small boy, cowering on the ground as a slightly larger man stands protectively in front of him. "I kept him from going on. I am not going to let you sell someone you kidnapped! I already called the police." The taller growls and looks to the side as the old man slaps him.
Jimins eyes widden and he points to the old man as Hoseok and Namjoon run up, seeing the situation and walking into view.
"I suggest you sit down and wait for life to hit you in the balls... and ass." Namjoon says and the old mans jaw drops as he realises who is confronting him. "Mr. Kim! What are you doing here?" The old man-Kim Sil-shakes under the gaze of his main employer. "Making sure I don't have the wrong people under my wing. You're fired, so have fun in jail, I already sent you picture to my link, so don't try running. You two can come out here with me and get some warmer clothes on." Namjoon says and Hoseok quickly sends the picture from Namjoons phone while Jimin speeds over to the little boy and the taller, picking up the smaller and grabbing the hand of the wobbly boy. "Hi, my name is Jimin!" He says cheerily and the child giggles, "Squishy!" the boy, around the age of five, says, pinching Jimins cheeks. "Thats because I love to eat with my friends, so would you like some food?" Jimin says and the child nods, so Jimin sets him in the back seat and pulls out a cooler of sandwiches that Jin had packed. "May I have some as well?" The tall one asks and Jimin looks up at him with a smirk while the child eats, "I will exchange a sandwich for your name." Jimin wagers and the boys eyes widen, "Oh! MY name is Taehyung! I thought I had said it, but I guess not." Taehyung mutters feeling the pressure in his head from the past couple of days build. And Jimin notices some of his bodily signs and starts bouncing in excitement.
"Do you have a headspace?" Jimin asks and gasps when Taehyung starts choking on his food.
"I'm sorry, it's just that I noticed your hand twitch and thats what happens to me and Kookie, so hyungs always make us slip so we don't get sick an-"
"It's uh, okay. Just I have never told anyone, so it shocked me. I, uh, have a dog headspace." Taehyung mumbles and almost falls when Jimin tackles him in a hug, "Me too! You could come over one day and we can have a puppy play date!" Jimin suggests while hugging Taehyung, but sheepishly gets off the younger male when he notices Namjoon and Taehyung staring with slightly angry expressions. "Hyungs, he is a dog headspace!" Jimin exclaims and the two older instantly smile, "Well, Jin just texted and said Kookie has been wanting to play all afternoon, so maybe your new friend could come over tonight and have breakfast with us in the morning?" Hoseok suggests and when Taehyung gives a small 'okay', Jimin squeals until he realises he was watching a tiny baby, so he tunrs around and starts giggling at the little boy sleeping in the backseat. "I wanna keep him." Jimin frowns as his boyfriends sigh, allowing the kids parents to approach their child as they arrive with their police escort.
"Well, time to go back home!"
"Yup and kid, our oldest boyfriend is going to mom you about your bruised cheek, don't fight it or he will puppyspace you within a millisecond."

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