After the Hand Holding

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In this fan fiction, they are all in their 2nd year on high school.

Walking out of school
Andi's POV (in her head)
Metcalf just came up with this stupid idea to spilt the whole school into groups. Of course Jonah and I got split into different groups. Well anyways- OH LOOK, it's Jonah!
Andi: Hey Jonah.
Jonah: Hey Andi *smiles*
I swear his smile is contagious!
Jonah: Um... want me to walk you home?
Andi: Sure.
We started walking and Jonah started to laugh
Andi: What?
Jonah put his hand out for me to grab it. So I did.
Andi: So... what was so funny.
Jonah: Just that we haven't held hands yet and we were just walking.
Andi: Well now we're holding hands *smiles*
Jonah: Yup, finally. *smiles at Andi*
We talked while we walked all the way to my house. (Bex's apartments)

At Bex's Apartment
Jonah: Bye see you tomorrow
Andi: Bye
As we were saying bye I decided to hug him. I felt him smile against the side of my head. I couldn't help but to smile also. I felt all tingly inside. We finally let go. I walked to my house and turned around to wave goodbye. I couldn't believe what I just did. I walked into the house with a huge smile plastered across my face. Bex noticed and asked...
Bex: What are you smiling about?
Andi: ohhhhh.... nothing...

Bex's POV
Bex: ok
Andi walked to her room. HA. She thought I didn't know what just happened outside. I may or may not have been watching through the window... ops! Lmao

Back to Andi's POV
I walked to my room still smiling. I HAD to text Buffy and Cyrus!

Andi, Cyrus, and Buffy's conversation (over text)

HEY, guys I need to tell you something! :Andi

Buffy: ok, shoot.
Cyrus: WHAT!

Ok, so, Jonah walked me home and we held hands. Then when we got to my house, I hugged him, and said bye :) :Andi

Buffy: I'm so happy for you, Andi!
Cyrus: Nice!

You already knew didn't you 😂 :Andi

Cyrus: We totally weren't watching you behind a bush in front of the school...
Buffy: CYRUS SHUT UP... 😂

You guys crack me up 😂 Anyways gtg bye :) :Andi

Buffy: See ya
Cyrus: Bye

End of their conversation

Still Andi's POV
       I just finished dinner so I decided to take a shower. After I was done, I sat in my bed looking at the bracelet I made yesterday. My phone vibrated. It was Jonah.

Jonah and Andi's conversation (over text)

Jonah: Hey, Andi

Hey :) :Andi

Jonah: So, I wanted to ask you a question...

Ok... :Andi

------------    -------------   ----------   ---------  ---------   ----------  ---------   ---------   To be continued
------------    -------------   ----------   ---------  ---------   ----------  ---------   ---------  Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Give me feedback! :)

Word count (if you're curious 😂) =441

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