Life Goes On

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Andi's POV
   After I hung up the phone, Jonah asked, "What did she want?"
   I replied, "I don't know? She didn't say anything."
   I grabbed Jonah's hand again and we continued on our way to school. I thought to myself, maybe Amber won't bother me anymore?

Arriving at School
   As we approached the school, I spotted Buffy and Cyrus sitting on a bench. Jonah and I walked towards them hand in hand. They started walking towards us.
   Buffy said, "Why do you two always have to be so cute?"
   I smiled, looked at Jonah, and shrugged my shoulders. The four of us walked into school.
Buffy and Cyrus went to class, I went to my locker, and Jonah followed me. He leaned on the locker next to mine while I opened my locker.
"Sooooo, what are you doing after school today?" Jonah asked.
"Nothing, why?" I replied.
"I just wanted to hang out with you." He said and smiled.
"Um. Do you want to come over after school or...?" I asked still thinking of what else we could do.
   "We could go to the lake at the park where I taught you how to play frisbee for the first time on your 13th birthday." He said with a smile on his face.
   I smiled and said, "Ok, I like your plan better."
  We laughed a little and went to class. I knew that school today would probably go by pretty slow because I am really looking forward to hanging out with Jonah later.

Ok so I know this chapter is really short. Please don't hate me! 😬🙈 I'll try to post another chapter later today. I just wanted to hurry up and publish a chapter because it's been long enough. WAIT! DID YOU ALL SEE THE ANDI'S CHOICE EPISODE!! Jonah and Andi KISSED!! AHHHHHHHH. It was SO GOOD. Well anyway, Got to go, hopefully another chapter will be coming your way soon!

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