[The Death Cure movie ad]
*Fangirl walks in with red puffy eyes*
Hi, I'm a Maze Runner Fangirl *sniffle*
I just watched 95% of my sons die
{Director from offscreen} She means the first 2 Maze Runner movies!
*Fangirl sniffles* They weren't as good as the books, but it still H U R T
*stifles sob* This January join me in watching my *voice breaks* my husband and daughter die!
{Director from offscreen} Don't tell them what happens!
*Fangirl sobs* They know what's going to happen! They read the page! *another sob*
{Director} You gotta work with me. Please-?
*Fangirl screeches*
{Director} Okay everybody take ten. We'll get back to work at 2:50-
*Fangirl collapses to the ground* WHY?! WHY-?!
<camera cuts off>