Steve Randle

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Movie: The outsiders

I was currently walking home from working late that night at the diner and I didn't want to go home my dad was out and so was my mom and I didn't want to be alone right now so I went ahead and headed over to the Curtis house.   When I was walking there I saw a red mustang start to trail me so of course the fort thing I thought of was *run* so that is what I did, I ran.  "Hey grease" I acted like I didn't hear him and kept on walking "Hey girl, I'm talking to you, and when I talk to you, you answer!" I had about enough of it. "Leave me alone douche bag" They stopped and got out of their car, I saw it was Bob he smelled like alcohol, "what'd you say to me you grease ball" "I said LEAVE ME ALONE!" I then turned around and punched him square in the jaw. They were then all on me punching, kicking, and slapping me. "Help help h—-" Bob then slapped me and said "shut up!" I was close to the Curtis house earlier so luckily they heard me and started running out of the house and beat the socs Steve ran up to me and helped me up and asked if I was okay I simply nodded my head and then he did the unexpected and kissed me I was shocked but slowly melted into the kiss and kissed back he then pulled away and said "be my girl...?" I excitedly shook my head yes while smiling. We then walked hand in hand back to the Curtis house.

Okay so this was pretty bad sorry but I'm finally updating baby don't hurt me so check that out when it's up

Stay Gold⭐️

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