thirty one - warmth

217 14 18

I know the night will turn to gray
I know the stars will start to fade
When all the darkness fades away
We had to steal him from his fate
So he could see another day

Taxi Cab | Twenty One Pilots


"Oh my God." I choke, slapping my free hand over my mouth. Luke smiles even wider.

I throw my arms around his neck, not caring that he's in a hospital bed. Feeling his breath on my throat is the most relief I've had in a long time.

"You didn't think you'd get rid of me that easy did you?" Luke croaks, wounding his hands loosely around my back. I pull away, barely catching his wince.

I laugh, a little hysterically, and smash my mouth against his. He kisses me back harder than he ever has, cupping my face.

I don't pull back when it ends. I keep my forehead on his, breathing in his air, and whisper, "I love you too."

Luke stops breathing for a second, and a brief shot of terror rocks through me. Then he meets my eyes, his own shining with what I can only describe as giddiness, and it melts away.

"Thank God." He laughs, and kisses me again.

Rustling sounds tear down the walls of our little moment, and I pull away. Xavier is awake, and Ivy is stirring on his lap. Luke turns to look at the exact moment that I do, and I instantly feel his whole body tense up.

"Carrot top?" Luke asks breathlessly, and struggles to sit up. I push him back down.

"Still the same, I see." Zay replies. He points to the scar on his neck. "X man powers."

Luke swallows, narrowing his eyes. Then his gaze finds Ivy and the suspicion seems to drain from his face.

The blonde sits up, flipping her ponytail behind her shoulder. There's butterfly tape on her wounds, and the blood has been cleaned off. She finally got medical attention. Her eyes widen when she sees that Luke's awake, and within seconds she's lurching forward and wrapping her arms around him.

"Jesus Luke. What ever happened to no dying?" She pulls away, shaking her head. "You scared the hell out of me."

Luke looks away. "I did?"

I take his hand again, and he squeezes mine hard. Here we go.

"Of course you did." Ivy says, exasperated. Then she seems to realize why Luke has taken on the demeanor of a puppy whose been yelled at. "Luke-"

"You don't have to pretend you don't hate me just because I almost died." He deadpans. "Really. Don't strain yourself."

Ivy gapes at him. Xavier seems to be at a loss, considering the fact he has no idea the dynamic between them. He lays a hand on her shoulder.

"Luke, I don't hate you. I never hated you. You just risked your life to save all of ours. Zay is back. The war is over. I.." She shakes her head. "I've been watching those doctors take you apart and put you back together for the last eighteen hours. You flatlined three times. It made me realize that if you left.." Ivy trails off, wiping a hand under her eyes. "I wouldn't want to stay. You're my brother. I could never hate you."

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