How To Love A Luthor

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Kara was holding Lena tight and watching the sun go down.  They stood there in awe of each other and looked deep into one another's eyes.

"You're so amazing, Lena."

"You're so super, Kara." Kara smiled as Lena moved some strands of hair away from Kara's face.  Kara then looked at Lena and hugged her tightly.

"Never let go, Kara." Kara put a hand in Lena's head and stroked it.

"I will never let go of you Lena.  Never." After five minutes of complete silence, Kara looked at the clock.

"Shoot!  We have to go to the bar!"  Lena looked at Kara and smiled.

"Up, up and away!"  Kara ripped off her clothes to show her suit as she blasted into the air.  Lena looked scared of heights Kara Kara held her close.

"I told you Lena, I will never let you go."  Lena smiled as Kara stuck the landing.  Kara put her normal clothes back on and headed into the bar.

"Kara!  Over here!" Alex said as she lifted up her beer can.

"Oh hey Little Danvers!  It's ok Alex told me."  Maggie said as reassuring as possible.  Maggie then turned to Lena.

"So Lena, what brings you to my Little Danvers?" Maggie said as Kara put a hand on Lena's back.

"I love her." Lena said with a smile.

"Good.  I'm glad Little Danvers here is happy." Maggie smiled at the two of them.  Then Alex looked up, clearly drunk.

"Yeah?  Well if you dare break Kara's heart I will chase you down myself and kill you."

"Alex!  What the hell?"  Kara said shocked Alex would say that.

"I only speak the truth Kara."  Kara looked at Lena and saw that she had a couple tears streaming down her face.

"I'm sorry Little Danvers.  She's had 6 beers." Maggie said as Kara and Lena got up.

"It's okay.  We're going to go.  Call me later."  Kara said as she and Lena left.  Lena was walking quickly and Kara needed to talk to her.

"Lena, Lena. Lena!" Kara grabbed her shoulder.  Lena turned around with a red face and puffy eyes.  Kara never knew someone could look this horrible in the matter of 40 seconds.  Lena sniffed and looked at Kara.

"Lena, hey come here."  Lena fell into Kara's arms and sobbed. "I'm going to take care of this Lena.  She didn't mean it like that."

"I am a Luthor after all."  When Lena said that Kara felt horrible.  She flew Lena to her own apartment and layed her in her bed.  Kara sad on the bed, and tried to use the most soothing voice as possible. 

"Just let it out Lena." Kara said as Lena buried her head into her hands.

"How can you love me Kara?  My brother tried to kill Superman.  It's in my name to kill people, yet you still love me.  Why?"

"Because, Lex doesn't define you.  You are completely different from Lex.  People don't have to believe you at first.  Just show them that you are different.  I believe in you."  Kara immediately kissed Lena on the lips and put her hand through her hair.

"I love you Lena."

"I love you too Kara."  They both layed down in bed and slept closely to each other.

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