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Winn, Alex, and Kara were fighting. Kara had gotten up even with the sore back. Winn didn't like fighting, but he still tried to calm Alex and Kara down. Alex was just trying to get Kara to lay back down but Kara refused. Alex still didn't really know what was going on. She only knew that Lena cheated on Kara, but she didn't know about what Kara said to Lena to make her upset.

Kara's POV

"Kara, lay down!" Shouted Alex. I could barely keep my feet on the floor. Literally!

"K-Kara just-"

"NO!" Winn made a face that said, Woah, she's a bit feisty. I was feisty alright!

"Kara, the kryptonite could kill you!"

"Alex you don't understand!"

"What don't I understand?" Alex was getting on my nerves. The last thing I wanted was to cry.

"Did Maggie ever cheat on you? No." I walked around in a full circle. Alex than dropped the tone in her voice and tried to comfort me.

"Kara, please just tell me what happened. What changed? You've been acting a lot different after you came back from Cadmus." I didn't want to talk about.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Kara, please don't bottle it up again. Just let it all out-" I then literally collapsed into Alex's arms. She slowly bent us down to the ground. Alex gently rubbed my back as I sobbed. It felt good to let it all out. I really needed it.

"Kara, hey it's okay I'm right here. I love you."

"I...love...you...too..." I said in between large breaths of air.

"It's okay Kara. You can tell me anything." I tried to slow down my breathing a little bit so I could at least talk to her.

"So Cadmus, well Lillian. She told me that if I didn't break Lena's heart that she would kill you. I wanted you, so then I told Lena a whole bunch of stuff I didn't mean. The scary thing is, is that I meant some of the stuff I meant."

"Kara, Lena loves you. You love Lena, right?" I nodded at Alex.

"Yeah. Thanks Alex."

"Hey, what are big sisters for? You guys will work through this." It felt good to have someone tell be that everything was going to be okay. It made me feel secure. "Now get back up on the bed. I have to cure you still." I got onto the bed and waited for the needle to be inserted.

15 Minutes Later...
"Alex, it hurts so bad right now!" I was in extreme pain. I thought that the numbing would take all the pain away. But no!

"I know Kara, just stay still." I could feel Alex slowly pulling away at the dried blood to reveal my raw cuts. It was so painful.

"How much more do you have to go?"

"A lot, Kara."

"No!" I wanted to cry. I normally didn't feel physical pain. More of the time went on of me making horrible noises. I could tell that Alex wasn't enjoy doing this to me. I felt bad, complaining. Because I knew she didn't like hearing me in pain. Especially when I was in pain because she was doing something to cause it.
Finally, my entire back was raw. I thought thought ripping off my dry blood was painful. I could hear Alex cleaning some more tools that were on the table. She turned back to me and cringed.

"Why are you making that face?" I asked Alex.

"Because Kara, this is going to be extremely painful." She then took the tools and grabbed some pieces of dirt out of my wounds. It wasn't painful, it only was when the tool bumped into my wound. The painful part was her cleaning it. With alcohol. I think the other one was Hydrogen Proxide. I could hear the bubbles coming from my back. She covered my back with it a couple times and then slowly dabbed it off my back.

"Are you done?"

"Sorry Kara, no." Then she took a special thing of alcohol and rubbed it on my back. It stung me so bad. I put my hands on the metal bars that were holding up the bed, and bent them in. When Alex finished, she quickly turned on the sunlamps. It took a good 30 minutes to heal. I just felt so good not having to worry about hurting my back. Now, I had to find Lena...

Hey Guys,
I would like to say thank you for all of the people who read my books. It takes each and every one of you to help me become a better writer.
I would also like to mention TerribleGirl261 for helping me come up with some good ideas for my new book, Life After Death. She's an amazing writer and storyteller! If you haven't read Life After Death, you should go check it out. Anyways, thank you again for all your support. Bye!

THE ADVENTURES OF SUPERGIRL Behind The Accident BOOK #2Where stories live. Discover now