Lena and James?

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Please watch the video before your read the chapter.  The video is like the short "movie" version of the next COUPLE chapters.  It's about to get really spicy!  And Reign...

Kara stumbled onto the balcony at the DEO.  She had not changed into her suit but she flew fast enough where no one could see her.  She was in so much pain, from everything.  She hated herself for having to do that to Lena.  It was all to protect Alex.

"Ow... ah..." Kara fell onto her knees not being able to support herself any longer.

"Kara?  Kara!  What the hell?" Alex ran up to Kara's side.  Alex was about to hug her but didn't when she noticed all of the blood.  Alex was about to cry but held it back.  She had to be strong for her little sister.  She had to make sure she was okay.

"Kara, we have to get you to the sunlamps."

"K-kryptonite..." The pain was increasing.  The longer it was, the more painful it got.

"Oh my god... She used a kryptonite whip on you..."  Alex let out a couple tears that went streaming down her face.  Kara looked up at Alex and put a hand on her cheek.

"A-Alex, don't be sad... I'm going to be okay because you're here with me." That was the last thing Kara said before she blacked out.

At Catco...
Lena had walked, in the rain to Catco.  By the time she got there she was drenched.  Her sweatpants were wet and so was her loose sweatshirt.  When she got inside, she walked to James's office and went straight for the alcohol.  Little did Lena know that James was coming to work on a project to help one of his employees.  Lena watched as the wine flowed into the wine glass and then sat down on the couch to process everything.
It was about 10 minutes later and Lena was pouring her third glass of wine.  When she went to sit down, a familiar voice came into the room.

"Hey, Lena I wasn't expecting you here." James walked in and sat on the couch next to Lena.  Lena just tilted the glass and looked at the floor.  James automatically knew that there was something on Lena's mind.  Lena then let out a couple tears.

"Lena, hey what's wrong?"

"I don't want to talk about it.  It's personal."

"Does it have something to do with Kara?" Right then Lena broke down into tears.  Just hearing Kara's name hurt her.  James embraced Lena into his arms.

"Lena just tell me what happened. Okay?" Lena took a couple breaths and cleared her face.

"Umm... Kara she said that umm..." Lena stared to sob again, "She said that she doesn't feel safe around me.  She said that she doesn't want to be with a family member of killers."  The last main part that Kara said was the most painful.

"But the worst part is... is that she said that I'm a Luthor, and it will never change to Danvers." Lena cried as James rubbed her back softly.

"But I don't understand, Kara loves you."

"Loved." Lena corrected James.

"Right... what would have changed her mind?  She can't be serious."

"James, if you saw her you would know that she is telling the truth." Lena wipped her face and layed her head on James.  They talked for a little while longer.

"Can I tell you something?"

"What?" Lena asked in an odd tone.

"Everything's gonna be okay-" with that Lena threw herself on top of James and kissed him... on the lips.  James knew it was wrong.  She was still dating Kara but he loved it.  So he kissed back.  This went on for a long, long, long time.
Little did they both know, that Winn witnessed everything...

At The DEO...
It was the morning after everything went down.  Kara layed unconscious on one of the beds.  Kara knew that Alex was in her presence.  She could feel her breath on her hand.  Kara was so tired but woke up.
When Kara woke up, she was on her stomach with her shirt off.  There was only a blanket that J'onn had layed on top of Kara so then Alex didn't have to see the wounds.  Alex was just about to take the blanket off to clean the wounds on her back.

"Alex..." Alex looked at Kara and was relieved.

"Kara, thank God." Alex held onto Kara's hand tighter, remembering what she said to Kara right before Cadmus took her.

"Kara, I'm so sorry.  I didn't mean to hurt you like that.  I want to be around you, what I said was a mistake.  You have to believe me."  Kara looked at Alex.

"I do believe you.  I love you, Alex.  I'm happy that I'm out of that hell and back here." Alex had a half smile.

"Speaking of Cadmus, I have to clean the wounds on on your back." Kara then became worried about Alex seeing the wounds.

"Uhh, are you sure you want to look at it?"

"Kara, please let me help you." Then Kara relaxed and put her head on the pillow.  Alex removed the blanket and covered her mouth when she saw it.

"Kara..." Alex sniffed a little.

"Alex, please don't..."

"I-I'm okay." There were the wounds from the whip everywhere.  There was a lot of dry blood.  But right underneath, it was all raw.  A couple more tears fell from Alex's face and onto Kara back.  It ran into one of the curves from the whip on Kara's back.  Alex picked up a couple tools and Kara made a face saying, Rao this is gonna hurt.  But right before Alex was about to, she slammed the tools back onto the table.

"I should have never said that to you Kara."

"Alex, that's in the past-"

"You always say that though.

"Alex, just don't cry okay?  It's hard for me, to look at you when you're hurt.  Because I know that I can't fly fast enough to make everything back to the way it was."  Alex looked at Kara for a little bit, picked up the tools again and began to work.  Alex took a needle that was able to puncture Kara's skin to help numb it.  Right then Winn walked in with a sad look on his face.  Kara looked at him and was concerned.

"Hey Winn is everything okay?" Kara asked worriedly.

"Umm, Kara first of all I'm happy you're ok..."

"Winn, what's wrong?"

"Lena... She cheated on you..."

"Lena?!?!?!? With who?"


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