Letter to Country Neighbour

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You call me a liar
Admit your desire
Attitude is the main colour

You make no research
You spread what you heard
Go on do it when you get burn

I never play any cheat
I just want to get rid
I will never do something stupid

Maybe you understand
But never have a plan
To tolerate all you know is to stand

For the good of you
And the bad of me
Show your biggest pride
All the bads you hide
When it comes to lose
You will no set me free
Im not good at this shit
So shh

You call me a bad luck
The ugly duckly duck
But never once I keep in my heart

I am innocence
You hit me now it hurts
Can I show what youve done to world?

I go on what I should do
No time for babble of you
Make up your mind and dont be too fool

The upper admin might know
Something that we do not know
So why blame me while you could just find them so

Here let me tell you

This fight will never finish
If we keep accusing
We all knew that we used to be so close
How the sport make us apart
Where it should keep us in touch
Revenge and hates dont solve anything

You and me
We are meant to be
We keep the humanity to infinity
Pointing finger
Just increasing anger
Forgiving is the best thing, together

This poem I wrote especialy for citizens of 'a' country, during SEA Games 2017.

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