(S)he's a Baby (HanCheol)

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It happened so fast that Seungcheol almost couldn't comprehend it. His body moved on its own as if he was on auto pilot where his reflex controlled him instead of his consciousness. Lips met with another pair of lips in short barely intimate kiss with two pairs of brown eyes staring at each other, one blown open in surprise while the other narrowed in regret. It should be simple.


She's a Baby - Zico

I can't believe it

This is the first time

That I poured it out like this

Blunt words,Hidden feelings

Figured it out with just one kiss


It happened so fast that Seungcheol almost couldn't comprehend it. His body moved on its own as if he was on auto pilot where his reflex controlled him instead of his consciousness. Lips met with another pair of lips in short barely intimate kiss with two pairs of brown eyes staring at each other, one blown open in surprise while the other narrowed in regret.

Pulling back from the unresponsive kiss dejectedly, Seungcheol was not able to look at Hansol's still shocked face. He sent his gaze away across the empty parking lot, glad that it was late at night and no one saw him throwing himself into light kiss with the brunette boy.

The more he thought about it, the more than anything Seungcheol wanted to run away. But he knew the younger boy in front of him deserved at least an explanation from him. "Hansol.." He started, gulping down the building nervousness as he looked at the other's face which was still layered by heavy disbelief.

Preparing himself for the worst, -he deserved the worst indeed, kissing Hansol out of the blue as if he thought he got the chance to be with Hansol, to date him- Seungcheol finally let out the words he had been dying to say to the young boy.

"I love you."


She's a baby, once you get to know her, she's a baby


Seungcheol had always been looking at Hansol since the first time they met. And getting to know the younger was like a blessing to him. He met Hansol at the younger's first day in the university. Being the cousin of Hong Jisoo and also living with said cousin, Hansol was bounded to meet Jisoo's friends sooner or later.

He loved the boy, honestly, who wouldn't anyway? Just seeing how the boy's face lit up whenever he tasted delicious meal, brightened excitedly when playing games and jokes, serious and contemplative look adorned his face when he studied hard; Seungcheol couldn't help but adored every one of them. Not to mention there was also a look of interest whenever someone brought up a subject he liked, and passion burning in his eyes when his favorite beats came up and he rapped along smoothly. Hansol was a sight to behold, no one could deny it and Seungcheol couldn't do any better.

He enjoyed every expressions he could see on the younger's face, even though -he sadly thought- he was not the one who created such delightful expression on his face.


Jolting away from his thought, Seungcheol looked up at Hansol who was sitting across him. The elder blinked his eyes numerous times as if he had forgotten how he and Hansol ended up sitting together in the middle of cafe near their university.

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