Evanesce (JiSol)

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“A short daydream.” He told Hansol.


pass out of sight, memory, or existence.

A story about moving on. Past!SoonSol and JiSol. The third part of SoonSolSoo Miniseries, in Jisoo's POV..
This one is about Jisoo always stayed by Hansol's side, helping Hansol to deal with his break up with Soonyoung, and how he dealt with his own feeling during it.


Song #11

Evanesce - Super Junior

"A short daydream.” He told Hansol.

Jisoo found Hansol adorable when he first met him. He was about to start working in that new place and Hansol was the youngest there. They might not be in the same team, but Hansol, being the previous maknae along with Seungkwan- willingly helped him around during his first day.

He liked how bright the younger was and how the world seemed to sparkle with him when he laughed. He liked the shy smile and cheerful grin Hansol gave out. Hansol was very kind and caring toward other, not limited to his team but everyone in the division.

‘He's very observant.’ He remembered what Wonwoo, Hansol's teammate, ever said while eating the kimchi Hansol had got for him before he even asked or voiced it, during the welcoming party for Jisoo.

Jisoo was still able to see how that simple word of compliment, made Hansol blushing red and saying that he wasn't as observant as the elder who had said that word. At that time, Jisoo thought that Hansol was the embodiment of beautiful flower which shone with pure innocence.

That was what Jisoo had always thought until that event at the end of November, when Hansol got himself too drunk that he started letting out what he had been hiding behind all the facade of bright smile.

Silence, is there nothing more to say?

It’s been long since

the white flowers of laughter have withered

Waking up that dawn, Jisoo moved his body according to his routine. He went to his washroom and did his daily morning routine of brushing his teeth and washing his face.

After changing his clothes, he grabbed his phone and checked the time. It was still early for his morning run, but that meant that he could get more time after his run. Nodding to himself, he swiped up the lock screen and started going through notification.

He found that he got message from his boyfriend last night. Smiling at that, he chose to read it later because he already knew what Hansol sent him. Ignoring the other messages he got overnight, he walked to the front door and put on his running shoes.

It had been a habit since he was younger and still lived in America, waking up early and did some laps around the park to start the day. It made him feeling free with so little amount of people around him at dawn compared to the bustling crowd from morning till night.

Just like the lack of people at dawn, Jisoo found his mind relaxed with the lack of thought. He let his mind wandered freely as his feet left nothing but invisible traces around the park.

He thought about stopping for a while to capture the change of color in the sky with his phone. He thought about how the chirping singing of the bird sounded so beautiful right then. He thought about dragging Hansol from his bed to run with him when he saw a couple running together while laughing happily. Thinking about his boyfriend, Jisoo glanced toward the direction of Hansol's apartment.

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