Celebrity Crush

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Imagine, when asked in an interview who his celebrity crush is, Jensen blurts out your name; not knowing you heard him.

"Question number 19." the interviewer continued and Jensen prepared himself to answer the question quickly. They were 'playing' 20 questions to which Jensen should give short but quick, and therefore completely honest, answers without really having to think about them. Luckily they were taking small pauses in between.

"Which is... you favorite version of Dean" she started speaking slowly and ended quickly.

"Stripper Dean" he blurted out and the woman looked at him with a stunned look.

"No wait that's not the truth" he chuckled and she let out a small sigh "We haven't shooted it yet. That should be the first scene I have for the next episode" he said with a small smile.

He snorted and then let out a laugh "No just kidding you. I've just been bugging the writers to add that but, yeah, who ever listens to me? Nobody. Anyhow, favorite version that has been aired I'd say is demon Dean." he said and she gave him a small nod.

"Ok and now last but not least. I think everybody is going to be interested to hear the answer to this" she said and Jensen prepared himself.

"Who is... your celebrity crush?" she asked like she had previously done.

"(Y/f/n) (Y/l/n)" Jensen blurted out and immediately clapped a hand over his mouth, his eyes went wide.

He laughed nervously "Wha- What? Haha no I didn't say that. No, I- Yeah." he cleared his throat and looked away with a smile, a blush forming on his cheeks.

"I just hope she's not anywhere nearby" he said with a nervous chuckle.

Meanwhile you were having an interview as well... at a table just a few feet away from his. The smile would not leave your face no matter what.

Jensen Ackles x Reader ~ ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now