Kissing Scenes

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  Imagine Jensen messing up his lines on purpose when you two have a kissing scene.  

"Sheesh what's gotten into your pants woman?" Dean said with a smirk.

"You mean other than you?" you raised an eyebrow at him.

"Well, techincally I can't really say I got into your pants because see that last time we didn't get to finish that scene-"

His words made your eyes widen and of course Robert to yell 'Cut!'

"What the hell Jensen?"

"What?! I'm being honest here!" he said innocently and you glared at him.

"Ackles if this is one of your usual tricks I swear-"

"Yeah, yeah save it" he huffed.

"Come on guys let's move over with this, we can get it done when Jensen finally learns his lines" Robert said with a sigh and all the crew moved their cameras in the needed position for well, the bed scene.

"Excuse me? I know my lines I just had to point out the obvious fact that she-"

"Jensen" you groaned, glaring at him. He tried to keep himself from laughing and instead raised his hands in surrender.

"Fine fine"

"Arlight guys get your positions" everybody did as told and you and Jensen moved closer to the bed, facing each other other. He smirked at you and you rolled your eyes. And you didn't expect anything different from him lately. Every time you two had a kissing scene or a bed scene he just would not stop messing either his lines or moves. And at some points you could swear he was doing this on purpose. He was such a tease sometimes. Not for your own good anyway.

You looked at him with narrowed eyes for a second and he raised an eyebrow "What?" he asked ever-so-stunned.

"I'm onto you"

"Honey in a little while I will be onto you" e grinned and you shook your head at how much of a dork he was.

"You're unbelievable" you groaned and he chuckled.

"Oh you know it!"

"Ok guys, ready?" Robert's voice you and luckily Jensen get a little more serious - although you were practically trying to focus on not letting how flustered such scenes still got you.


"Is this your way of trying to get me to bed Winchester?" you, fully in character, smirked at him and he did the same.

"Maybe" he shrugged grinning widely in the end and then as expected strode to you and grabbing our face he crashed his lips to yours.

No matter how much you wanted to deny it this kind of scenes were and would always be your favorite scenes between you and Jensen- though there was no way you would say that out loud especially to Jared.

Jensen's- you tried to repeat to yourself that he was acting - hands were cupping your face and yours quickly moved around his shoulders. His hands moved to your waist and he lifted you with ease - as always - to wrap your legs around his waist.

For a moment he stopped kissing you and pulled away to look at you with a frown that matched yours. As you were about to question what he was doing he spoke.

"(Y/n) have you gained more weight or something?"

Groans could be heard not just from you but all around the set.

"Cut!" came Robert's voice. Of course.

You groaned loudly and pushed him away so that you could stand on your feet "Seriously?"

"What?! All I asked was a simple question! You know it makes no difference whatsoever!"

"Jensen!" it was Robert's voice- Robert's rather angry voice and with a huff Jensen rolled his eyes.

"Fine fiiiiine!" he raised his hands in surrender. He ploped down on the bed and looked up at you with a cheeky grin.

"Come on show me what you got!"

"Oh I'll show you what I got but you won't like it one bit." you growled almost letting all your weight on top of him, as if jumping.

He let out a huff but ended up laughing "Fiesty! That's why I like you (Y/n)!"

You hit his shoulder rather hard and he pretended to hurt, pouting. You only rolled your eyes at him as you placed each leg on his sides.

"Ok guys let's hope this time we're going to get this. Action!"

Just as soon as Robert's words were heard you got into character and dived in to crash your lips to his. They were soft, that was a feeling you were very sure of, and a feeling you had began to love more than anything else.

Jensen's hands moved over your back and arms, sending shivers down your spine. You let out a content sigh into the kiss. You could at least enjoy it a little. At least as long as Jensen didn't-

"Ow. Ow." Jensen groaned "W-wait a sec" he pushed you away and shifted his weight as if something was bothering him "Man we gotta change this thing"

Groans followed. But once again they tried to get over with it and proceed with the damn scene.

A scene that was taking way too long and had you kissing Jensen more than you had in the entire previous season. But you had to do what you had to do.

But then of course you had to freaking touch his sides and he had to freaking giggle. HE FREAKING GIGGLED!

"Sorry sorry! I just am a little ticklish!" he chuckled, saying with a rather cute grin but you were too annoyed to care or gush at him.

You tried to swoallow your anger anyway.

"You know what? Nevermind. Come on, come here" you grabbed a fist of his shirt and moved so that he was on top of you.

With a final sigh and rubbing his temples Robert spoke "Action!"

Still not having let go of his shirt you dragged him back down and crashed your lips to his. You could swear you heard him moan but you still were very pissed at him to care- Although quiet honestly the feeling of his lips moving in perfect synce with yours made you melt on the inside. Your hands were around his neck as his stayed on your hips. For most part it was quiet with only the sound you two made until of course-

Jensen was working on getting himself out of his flannel shirt but of course it HAD to get stuck in his hands and now he was flapping them up and down.

"I got this! I. Got. This." he said stubbornly and somewhere off in the distance Robert could be heard shouting 'Cut' for- you had lots count.

"Enough!" you groaned, taking hold of both his hands and flipping him over so that you could press him down on the bed, holding his shirt firmly.

"I swear to God Ackles if you don't knock it off I am going to beat the living life out of you!" you exclaimed and he looked up at you with wide eyes.

"What?" he asked in a small voice "I didn't do anything"

And all the cast, and you, did was groan loudly at him.

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