Classroom 1

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Manabu was walking around with his secretary  for a meeting about another case.

'Damn! Those B and C classes, they keep on making trouble and in the end  it is I that have to solve it.'

As he just came back from another work, he was tired which had greatly affected his mood and this can be seen by his rather annoyed face and the exhaustion that can be seen in his figure.

"President, you look tired, should we delay the meeting?"

"No, it's better if we solve it as soon as possible, I don't want to add more workload."

When he sees the door to the appointed meeting room, he quickly fixes his demeanour and the clothes that are a bit crumpled on the side. He stopped, inhaling a deep breath and soon enter the room that has witness many students being judged.

The moment he stepped into the room, his eyes met the person that has been on his mind for a while. Yet, as usual, the orange haired chose to ignore him, something that no one has ever done to him before.

This was the person that has attracted this cruel, manipulative, boring human to want to own him. The feelings of possession that have long lost have appeared yet again when he was near to him. Plus, the fact that he can't read him really makes him wants to taints that always stoic face. When he asked that person to join the student council, the instant rejection has made Manabu's heart shattered a bit, although he would never admit it.


Although with all the chaoses within his mind, his thought does not appear on his face as it remains as emotionless as it had always been. He lifted his spectacles with his finger a bit. From the ways he had been brought up, he has learned not to show the emotion and thoughts he has in his mind and heart. Yes,  It is a cruel thing to teach the children,however, when he remembered it again, he was sometimes glad that he has this skill, or otherwise it will be him that will be manipulated by others. As it is a common skill to have in this elite school where one will do anything to reach the top. Though how oneself use it will decide what their ending will be.

"Why is a student from another class is here?" he asked, while looking at Ayanokouji.

Though at first it seems like a question but to others it is more like a command that cannot be refuse.

"He's the witness, President" Manabu nodded at that. Not wanting to waste any more time he get straight to the point.

"Let's start our meeting for today, to investigate what is the truth and the lies about this case. Tachibana, you can begin."

"Yes, President. Then...."


"OK, after what I have heard from both sides and the witness's views, and also see the proofs that both sides have presented ,I judged that the one guilty are the two boys from the C class. So, they will be punished by being expelled and the rest of the class will get no points for next month. But, as the B class are also at fault, the school will also minus 100 points for their class next month as well. That's all!"

The B class teacher then stood up.

" B-but why does my other students have to be punished too? Isn't it too unfair?!"

Her crying face may make someone take his guard down or maybe sympathize towards her, but for Manabu, it doesn't even affect him.

"No, as, if they had prevented it in the first place and did not turn a blind eye when the incident happen, this case might not even exist" ' and I may  already be in the middle of my rest  right now' he silently added in his mind before continuing "so they are at fault too"

The teacher just look down when he heard this as he clenched his fist under the table, hidden from anyone's view.

"Tch, damn you. Just because you are the student council president."

The other teacher mumbled underneath his breath but was still heard by Manabu. "Yes I am, do you have any complain", he said in a calmly manner which shows that he was clearly unaffected by the provocation.

Suddenly the C class teacher feels small after receiving the glare knowing that he no longer have any power to change the tide.  At least not while this man being the judge.

Yes, it is the rules of this school that have stopped even the teachers to go against him. So, to receive hatred from both the teachers and even his peers are as common as the blades of grasses on the side of the pavement not worth to even occupy an ounce of his mind. Furthermore being a person as stoic as him, Manabu doesn't even care about those things, as long as he gets what he wants. To him, the end result is what matters most.

Seeing that nobody has anything more to add to this case, he concluded that the meeting is finally over.

"Tachibana, let's go"

Manabu stood up from his chair and prepared to exit the room. However, from all of that, he can't help but cast a final glance to the boy who had been playing with his emotions unbeknowingly since their very first meeting.

Throughout the meeting, he had kept the boy within his view and he had seen that the boy's expression didn't even change. Even now, when Manabu is looking at him.  It was as though he was the observer, observing as the play continue to play in front of him and from this play he had already know the ending of the story. Therefore nothing will no longer affect him.

Thinking of this, Manabu can't help but be irked by this because this boy kept on confusing him more and more. It seems that the more he wanted to understand the boy, the further away he gets from the truth.  No one has ever done this to him before.

Hence the desire to control the boy has increased even further.

'Because this boy belong to me and only me' He possessively thought, showing his desire to control.


His thoughts were interrupted by Tachibana and he then realised that he had been standing, unmoving, for too long as he was caught up by his  thoughts and he should have been out of the meeting room by now. Realising his blunder he immediately continues on walking towards the door.  Each of his steps depicting his power and pride.

Without Manabu noticing, before his entire figure is out of the meeting room, the boy, Ayano, from the corner of his eye looked at Manabu as he disappears out of his sight.

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