Extra Class

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In the middle night, after they have exhausted themselves working out until they fell asleep, Manabu was suddenly awaken by the stirring made by Ayano who was laying in his embrace.

He prompt himself up to look at the boy's face who had his back against his chest. He realised that Ayano is whimpering in his sleep, mumbling something quietly, enough for him to not understand what he was saying.

He was also shivering, so realizing that they've been sleeping starked naked, he quickly find his blankets to cover themselves up.   The thick blanket was pulled up until their shoulder as he then pull the boy towards him before snaking his arm around Ayano. Just as he was just about to close his eyes, the quieten boy beside him suddenly thrash around in the blanket restlessly.

"No!! I don't want to do it!No! "The boy shouted.

Manabu was flabbergasted as he didn't know what to do. He start to pat the boys head and then rub the back of the boy trying to calm him down. "Shhh shhhh I'm here I'm here" he softly chanted beside Ayano's ear.

As if responding to Manabu,  Ayano softly whimpered "Another have died"

Then he started sobbing "it's all...my fault.....I'm sorry....." . Ayano then fell back to sleep.

'I wonder.... If he dream about this everyday,,,,'
Manabu looks at him sadly, pity for whatever past that he have been forced to go through it, and sad that he can't be the one that Ayano can confide in.

Carefully trying not wake him up he turn Ayano's body so that they were laying face to face and embraced him. Manabu kisses Ayano's forehead and slowly shushing him to sleep as he pulled Ayano into his bosom before placing his head on Ayano's crown. Like that, he slowly fall back to his sleep . After a moment, like a nightmare that suddenly turn into a happy dream, Ayano smile  and say thanks in his sleep. He snuggle inside manabu's chest just as like he has found a place that he truly feels safe.

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