Classroom 2

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With all the things that has been happening  throughout the year, it is the end of the year that are the busiest time to the student council. So, Manabu, with his stress that has been slowly accumulating is currently doing his mountain-like paper works with the clock on his table showing the time. Black aura can be seen emitting from him which were getting darker by the second.

Even Tachibana, the secretary, were too intimidated to even approached him.

When Manabu finally realises the time, it is already near night time. He looked around the room to find that everyone had left long ago without him knowing. Sighing, he put down his pen as he leaned back on his leather sit as he pushed his front hair to the back before stretching his stiff body following by some of his bone making a popping sound.

He look outside the window and were just in time to  see the beautiful sunset. The sunset reminded him of a certain orange haired. He remembered a certain scene which occurred the  day before, the scene that he may never forget in his entire life.

'I really wanted to see that again. The moment that indifferent and stoic face to show some emotion. I wonder what did he went through, for him to show that face.'

At the same time,  it displeases him very much that someone else could make Ayano shows different expression while he could not. It should be only him that is allowed to do that and only him is allowed to see that expression.  His hand which was on the hand of the seat twitched by the sudden thought.  Again, he sigh.

'No matter what it was I want to make him show me his different expression that only I can see and I will make it happen as I always get what I want '

Manabu remembered clearly of what had happened yesterday. Not that he follow and stalks him, but as he was walking along the hallway he somehow stumbled upon Ayano and another girl with the cane which causes him to abruptly stop his journey. Normally, when he sees something like this he would just ignored it and continue on with his tasked as he would think that this was just another confession.  However, this time the boy of his interest was involved. He couldn't chose to  just ignored it.

He don't know why but something within him had unconsciously decided to wait and see what will happen . As the student council president he had memorised most of the students name within the school. Therefore with one glanced he could identified that the girl who was standing with Ayano was a girl from the A class, Alice.

Although Manabu can not hear them speaking, he could still see them when they're speaking. Thus, relying on his sight alone, Manabu could somehow guess on what they're saying. Keyword, guess.

As Manabu was observing them from afar, far enough that they wouldn't realised that somebody was watching them, suddenly anger starts boiling within his heart.  It was because that it was the first time that he sees Ayano face shows some emotion. It was not scared or even a sad expression, but it was an expression of despair.  The one that one will only shows when they've given up on life. Manabu's anger slowly increase to an unprecedented height as he realises that that girl was able to make Ayano show as such expression.. No longer able to control his emotion in check, with long strides he moves towards Ayano.

He was not liking the situation at all. Overwhelmed by his own emotion, without him realising he had given Ayano a kiss.

Ayano's eyes widen, surprised by the sudden presence of the president and more importantly the kiss. As he was caught off guard, Manabu took this chance to slip his tongue into Ayano's mouth. Manabu's adjust his head so that he could deepen the kiss, to show his desire to control. He tugged Ayano's tongue, challenging him to play with him.

As Ayano was caught off guard, when he felt the sudden intrusion into his mouth he stiffen. Not long after he felt something tugging his tongue and as his head was completely blank at the moment, his tongue instinctively responded to Manabu's challenge.

Because of this the kiss intensified. The kiss was not gentle but aggressive and possessive as Manabu's tongue was exploring Ayano's mouth licking every corner of Ayano's mouth, wanting to taste everything, before continuing to play with Ayano's tongue. They both had completely forgotten that there was a certain person watching them.

Saliva start dripping out of their mouth, but they didn't care as they were too caught up in their own world.  Without Ayano knowing his hand had moved to cling around Manabu's neck. Their tongue twist and turn and a slight moan can be heard coming from Ayano.

Hearing the moan coming out of his own mouth, his muddled head cleared up a bit and he immediately pushed Manabu away from him which broke the kiss. 

Stunned with that action, Manabu eyes widen before quickly getting back to normal. Both were panting as they were trying up to catch their breath, especially Ayano. His face was a million shade of red . Ayano was wiping the dripped saliva using his sleeves glaring at Manabu.

Not knowing why, not only was Manabu not intimidated by the glare, instead it makes him more excited and accomplished, a feeling that he hasn't felt in a long time because he was able to see and exposed Ayano's current expression. And this time, it was him that makes the orange haired showed this expression. And it was also only him that was able to see it.

Manabu continue to stare at Ayano, neither wanting to lose.

Suddenly a coughed was heard from the side which causes them to turned their head towards the sound "Ahem ! What are you doing President? " Alice asked.

"Nothing, just wondering what you guys are doing here, class is soon starting, lunch break will soon end, so what are you guys doing here? Quickly return to your classes! ". Manabu replied with his cold voice as if he hasn't just finished kissing Ayano.

Alice chuckled a bit before looking at Ayano " Remember Ayano, I know more about you than what you know about yourselves, see you later then. " the girl with the cane then walk away to return to her class, living the two figure alone.

"Then me too then" Ayano said, his face no longer in shades of red, but his normal expressionless face,with that word, Ayano also walked away.

Manabu can only see the retreating figure of Ayano walking away from him. Manabu then thought whether that girl have something to do with the mysterious background Ayano have. 'Plus with a call from the other day, there seems to be a man that wants Ayano to be expelled, who are you really? ' The mysterious and unknown things that surrounded Ayano only makes him want to know Ayano more and more and after he is able to achieve that, Ayano will be playing on his hand, no longer able to get away from him.

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