Classroom 5

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The next morning, the one that woke up first was Ayano. When he opened his eyes the first thing he saw was Manabu sleeping on his arm while possessively hugging him in the waist.

Staring at the sleeping face he was suddenly reminded by the strenuous activity they did last night. A blush creeps up on his face. Embarrassed, he wanted to disappear before sleeping beast woke up.

He carefully and slowly tried to remove the hand that was around his waist, trying not to awaken the man.

After he successfully does that he quickly stand up before falling down on the floor, unable to move his leg due to last night's activity.  His leg was now soft like a jelly. At the same time, he could also feel some liquid getting out from his behind which caused him to blush even more.

With the help of the wall, he walked towards the bathroom. Since the president's room and his were the same design, it didn't take long for him to find where the shower is.

He hit the shower quickly while trying to get the white liquid out of him. After he finished he wore the crumpled uniform that he had on when he came  before he grab his bag and turn towards the door. As he turn the knobs, he look back at the sleeping figure on the bed and said quietly.

"President ... ...I ...." He decided that it was best not to say anything thus leaving his sentence hanging for others to guess.

For a second, his face shows affection and also sadness though it can never be known to the figure on the bed. The moment Ayano close the door, the sleeping figure on the bed opens his eyes. His eyes shows the usual coldness that was  always seen by others but a tint of sadness can be seen, he can only guess what Ayano wanted to say as he may never know what the ending of the sentence would be.

Without him realizing, a tear came out from the corner of his eyes before he slowly cried out. He don't even know what emotions he felt right now. Happy to at least 'own' him? Regret for letting him go? Or maybe mad? Not towards Ayano..... but for the cruel world, that brings them towards this madness, that prevent them to love each other but only allowed them to possess each other from afar.

His outreached hand clenched by this thought.

On the second trial, the case that makes the entire D class anxious and worried, has been solved. Somehow in the final day, an unknown student, suddenly showed up and said that he witness everything on the faithful day.

He said that at the time he was sitting at the table located at the corner exactly beside the window on the third floor library on the opposite building. He said at that position amazingly he can view the bully scene clearly. After they clarified what he said was true, it proved that Suzune Horikita was truly not involved at all. So, she has been released without any

punishment. In the class now, Horikita and the rest of her classmates celebrate for winning the case and hence avoiding her from being expelled.

Though Horikita realised that  in spite of all of that, she can see that Ayano alone continues on sitting on his chair daydreaming while looking at the rain outside the window with his chin resting on his palm. She wanted to ask what's wrong, but remembering the promise to not pry into his life, she stop herself. At this moment Ayano sat up and grabbed his bag to go back to his dorm room. When he was walking towards the door, everyone else halt their movement as they look at Ayano's direction. They continued on looking until he closed the classroom's sliding door, which leaves them into confusion. Why did he look so sad although they won the case.  But alas, nobody but him would know the answer.

The fact was that Ayano was thinking about a certain someone who had caused his feeling to be turbulence. He was trained and raised to control his emotion and no matter what should happen it would not stir his emotion up. Heck even when a person was dying in front of him wouldn't make so much as a twitch in his face much less makes his heart to skipped a bit. So why, why is he feeling this heartache. He did not understand what feeling he was feeling. This emotion rose ever seen that night he spent with the man. The more he thought about it, the more this  feelings that he tried to compressed will flow out.

He was just walking aimlessly and before he knew it he was at the hallway that connects the two separate building.But, the moment he step into the hallway, he met with the president again, only this time with no Tachibana, the secretary, on his side.

The two of them stopped at each end of the hallway while staring at each other as silent loomed over them. Time seemed to cease as they look at each others in the eyes trying to figure out the latter thought. However, what they actually want was to stay in each others presence for as long as they can.

Their thought were stopped when Ayano saw Tachibana walking from behind the president.

Sensing this Manabu look behind him and see his assisstant walking towards him. He gave out a silent sigh by the interruption.

Tachibana stopped when she reaches Manabu's right, a step behind him.

Manabu said "Ayanokouji, do you remember the offer that I offered you few weeks ago"

"Yes, but...I still want to reject it"

"Reason?" Manabu looks sharply at him, but only he knows what that looks mean.

"I still have stuff that needed to be done "

"....Acceptable" Manabu said that as he pushes his glasses up using his finger. For a moment there the light shone directly on his glasses making it impossible for anyone to see the emotion on his eyes

"Let's go Tachibana" Manabu started walking towards Ayano.

When he is passing against him, he said quietly, but can be heard by both of them.

"Again, don't disappoint me,Ayanokoji"

When the sounds of their footsteps have finally disappeared, it is only then he realises that he had be standing there unmoving as he look down on the ground without him knowing.

He turned around and promptly decided to take a detour towards his room so that he could have some time to think and to sort out his jumbled thoughts.

When he noticed that the rain have stopped and that the hidden Sun had finally exposed himself he looks up to see the wind blowing the grumpy cloud away which cleared up the sky. How he wished that the wind would blow away all his troubles and sorrow. Maybe then would his aching heart stop bleeding and his constraint being can finally be set free. He moved away from that place into this school in hope that he could taste the meaning of freedom. But he didn't know that his arrival here had caused him to meet someone that had the ability to teared of his wings of freedom. Thinking of this he sadly as thought that maybe in this life, he would never know what freedom is.

'When can I stop doing all of this? ' he stared blankly at the sky. Tears can be seen dropping from his eyes as he know that he will never get any reply. He only keeps walking. Just like what he always do since he escaped from that place.


The never ending rain (Classroom of the Elite)Where stories live. Discover now