Classroom 4

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Warning smut scene chapter. Just a heads up this our first time writing a smut scene soooo dont expect to much .. enjoy

At first, after the meeting with the president, Ayano decided to look into the case himself, just in case he missed something. Though the true reason he was doing this was to buy himself sometime, to prolong the day he eventually need to go and face the president. Everyday he went out to find some clues and everyday he came back with disappointment trailing behind him.  For Ayano whose goal was to stay conspicuous and just spend his school day without standing out was something that he could never imagine he would do.

Not only was he blackmailed by his homeroom teacher to bring his class up to A class, now, he had accidently sold himself to the president. If he could turn back time and met the him in the past he would like to give the past Ayano as slap in the face for saying such things. But alas, what's done is done. No amount of grieving can change it.

However, it is also since that day, no, even further than that day the president had always been on his mind since their first kiss. All kinds of question popped up but no matter how much he think he could not find the answer.  For him, to unable solve a question was unthinkable. He would sometimes spaced out thinking about the president without him knowing. Even the densed Hirotaka noticed this peculiar behaviour of his.  Thinking of this, Ayano sigh.

Four days after, he gave up and decided upon himself to meet the president. It was already relatively dark when he chose to meet the president. Since they are living in the same building in didn't take him long to walked to the president's room. Arriving in front of the president's door, he stopped and take a breather to calm his thumping heart,already knowing what is waiting behind the door.  With great reluctance and regret he slowly lifted his hand to knock the door.

After knocking, there was a brief silence before somebody from inside called him in.

When he walked in, the first thing that greeted his eyes was the president sitting on his bed reading his book. Not knowing what to do he chose to stand a couple of steps away from the bed. He stood there, waiting for the man to acknowledge him.

Not long after, the president closed the book with a thub and looked up. The president's eyes widen, before getting back to normal tracing a hidden smugness. His mouth also curved up slightly, enough for those who didn't pay attention to not notice. Judging by his expression alone, he clearly did not expect for Ayano's arrival.

"Wow, I didn't expect you to really come"

Hearing that sentence, the corner of Ayano's lips twitched.

"It's a...promise after all"

"Even so, I..... did not expect you to come this early. I guess you are really desperate to proof that Suzune is innocent. It doesn't matter either way as now that you are here, it's time for you to keep your promises"

Before Ayano could take any action Manabu stood up and reached for both of Ayano's wrist pulling him towards his bed.

When he came to it, he was already wham to the bed with both of the president's hand on either side.  He had no way to escape now.

The president then slammed his mouth to the other and kissed him with great intensity than their first kiss. Instinctively Ayano closed his eyes when the kissed started. He pushed his tongue into the other mouth and start roaming every wall and each and every place he could reached.

He changed his head angle from time to time to get better access into Ayano's mouth so that he can reached even deeper wanting to leave his mark everywhere in the other.

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