Chapter 18 Falling

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Power-puff girls was showing on cartoon network, although the volume had been completely turned down so that the house was alive yet quiet.

Kemi sat on the three sitter couch with her legs tucked nicely underneath her as she read a book- 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman.

The very one Kunbi recommended.

Although, Kemi did not see the sense in reading it, she still went ahead to do so hoping the knowledge would not be a waste.

She flipped to the next page before reaching out for her cold drink that was sweating on the glass table.

"Hmm!" Kemi raised her eyebrow as she saw a statement that made a whole lot of sense. The author likened the desire to be loved to a love tank that needed to be full. As she read on, Kemi smiled to herself and checked the cover of the book.

"Gary Chapman, you are one wise man." She flipped the page over as she continued reading and digesting the enlightening knowledge she was getting. For a moment, Kemi wished she had grabbed her highlighter to make out some vital points but she was not ready to drop the book nor leave her comfortable position.

The house was quiet except for puff of the air freshener every now and then and the sound of the refrigerator nearby.

She had just started reading the first love language, Word-of Affirmation when her phone started ringing beside her.

"If we are to develop an intimate relationship, we need to know each other's desires." Kunbi said on the other line. "If we wish to love each other, we need to know what the other person wants. Tell me what you want Kemi?"

Kemi sat up and unfolded her legs as her brain processed fast what Kunbi was talking about. Her heart thundered in her chest. "Kunbi?"

"It's okay Kemi, tell me." Kunbi said with laughter in his voice.


Kunbi chuckled and as his baritone voice rang through the phone. Kemi relaxed back into the couch and just basked in the sweet melodies it produced.

"Hello my lady."

"Hello yourself! What was that about?" She tried to caution him but couldn't keep the laughter out.

"Those are Gary Chapman's words. I just quoted them to you." He paused to talk to his secretary before he returned to their call. "I hope you have started reading it?"

"Of course! What do you take me for?" Kemi cleared her throat and flipped through the pages she had just read "Our dreams before marriage are of marital bliss... It's hard to believe anything else when you are in love."

"Hmm." Kunbi mumbled. "That is deep, tell me is that true? Are you dreaming of marital bliss?"

Considering how things were with her parents and even her reservations with Antonio, Kemi didn't know what she wanted anymore. "Do you really want me to answer that?"

Kunbi laughed. "How are you holding up baby girl?"

Kemi smiled at the pet name she couldn't but love. "I am good. How are you? And how's your day going?"

"Crazy!" He sighed and Kemi imagined him sitting on his office couch, massaging his temples.

"What are you doing?"

"Sitting on my couch, massaging my temple? Today was hectic and I still have a meet..." He stopped mid-sentence when all he could hear was Kemi laughing.

"Why are you laughing?"

"I just imagined you doing that same thing right now."

"Oh really? Yeah I trust my baby girl knows me."

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