Chapter 11 Revelations

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"I have gotten an apartment."

Stella paused on the pot of soup she was stirring and in that moment she knew that it was the end of her marriage.



"Leave the kitchen."

"Okay ma." Suliyat curtsied and left the dishes she was washing.

"George..." She finally turned and faced her husband's stoic face. He showed no emotion, and Stella had to search his eyes for any trace of her husband. "George..." Her voice broke. "Don't do this."

"It is already done. I made payment today."

"George please..."

"It is a two bedroom apartment at Ajah, I would be moving out today."

"George." Unshed tears had gathered and she took careful steps towards her husband. "Please don't do this to us."

"I shouldn't do this to us? But you did this to us already. You! You cause this whole problem we are in! You Stella. For thirty years, thirty good years you looked at me in the eye and told me you loved me. What a lie!"

"I do love you George."

"Yet you lied and kept such a secret?"

"How am I sure that you won't tell me one morning that Kemi isn't mine!"

"George! Don't you ever say that again! I understand you are angry but..."

"Angry?" he laughed mirthlessly. "I am not angry Stella. I am hurt! So hurt and I am disappointed."

"George don't throw away what we have." She tried to touch him but he took a step back.

"I am sorry Stella." His voice cracked too and tears gathered but he held his emotions in check. "I am going to pack my things."

"George! George!" Stella called after her husband as he bounded up the stairs to their bed room. That was when Kemi entered the house, talking to Tracey."

"C'mon girl, pick his call." Kemi was saying.

"No Kemi. He is handsome, charming and successful. He is a typical ladies man and I am not ready for all that."

"Just..." Kemi paused when she heard her mum calling after her dad who was storming up the stairs.

"George you can't leave!" her mum was saying.

"Just what? Hello? Kemi?" Tracey called.

"Just give him a chance to explain okay? I will call you back girl."

"Is everything okay?"

"That is what I am about to find out. Talk to you later and remember! Hear Bill out!"

That said, Kemi ended the call and tucked her phone into the back pocket of her jeans. As she approached the kitchen, she saw Suliyat standing quietly at a corner behind the stairs.


"Aunty Kemi ekabo' " Suliyat curtsied.

"What is going on?"

"Mummy and daddy are fighting." Suliyat used her fists to demonstrate.

Kemi looked at her dumbfoundedly, before she went to meet her mum who was crying.

"Mum!" what is going on?"

Stella couldn't talk between the sobs that were coursing through her body.

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