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Photo of Olivia
"Olivia sit down right now." My mother spoke with her calm tone, ordering Olivia to sit at the dinner table in order for us to eat as a family.

"Why? I don't want to be any where near this thing you decide to call your daughter." She said, her words holding such vile and disgust.

I keep my eyes on my plate. Pushing the rice and beans around as I listen to my mother fight for me against my sisters hate.

"Olivia you stop talking to your sister like that you hear me, I-" My mother not being able to finish her sentence.

"I don't have to do shit. That isn't my sister. That is just a science project. I don't need to show respect to a failed trial. She should ha-"


I look up to see my other next to Olivia, her eyes a dark  dried blood red. Olivia holding her left cheek, her brown hair covering her face like a curtain.

"Now you will show some fucking respect to your sister and I or so help me I will do something I will regret." My mother said, her words filled with anger and determination.

"You will sit your behind down and eat with your family." Mom pointing at the seat that is across from mine.

I hear Olivia take a deep breathe before lifting her head and walking towards the seat.

She sits down and starts to eat, her head not once lifting up.

My mother is back at the head of the table, she starts to eat as well. I just stay silent, I quickly finish what was on my plate and drink my water.

"Did you enjoy the food baby?" Mom asked as she took a sip of her sparkling blood champagne.

"It was great mom. Really delicious." I said smiling at her, trying to ease any frustration she still has.

Before my mom can speak Olivia's chair skids across the dining room floor as she gets up with her empty plate. She uses her speed to carelessly drop her plate and fork into the sink before going to her room with a slam of her door.

I look to see my mother sigh as she takes another sip of her alcoholic drink.

"I'm sorry." I said as I stared at lap, my hands fiddling with each other.

"Baby, what are you apologizing for?" My mother said with worry and confusion in her voice.

"It's my fault you and Olivia are always fighting. If I wasn't bo-" My mother cutting me off with her hand grabbing mine from my lap.

"Don't you dare. Don't you dare finish that sentence young lady." She said with firmness in her voice.

"You being born was the greatest moment of my life. Seeing your little carmel body wrapped up in a white blanket with those black messy curls I knew I had to take you home." She said squeezing my hand from the memory.

"Your father and I loved you so much. We wanted to do everything in our power to save you from that idiot Erik. I was not going to let him hurt you in any way. Your father felt the same." Her yellow eyes filling with scarlet liquid, getting ready to be released down her face.

"Your father died to give you a life, to give us a chance to live our lives happy and to the fullest. He died because he loved you so much that he new that was the only way to help you." Mom's pale cheeks staining red from the trail of her tear.

"We would do it all over again if it meant me being your mother and having the honor to raise you as the beautiful young woman that you are." Her lips trembling after every word.

"So don't ever say that again. Do you hear me. I never want to hear those words come out of your mouth. I don't even want to hear them in your thoughts." She said as she looked at me with her serious face.

"Yes mom" I said as I stared at her, my heart breaking at how much my words hurt her.

Before I could apologize my mom brings me into a bone crushing hug.

"Don't apologize either. There is nothing to be sorry for." She whispered with her face on my shoulder.

I nodded, hugging her tight. Taking in the nectar rose scent on her clothes.

"I love you baby girl. So very much." She said as she pulled away to place kisses on my forehead and both of my cheeks.

"I love you too mom." I said as I gave her a shy smile. I use my thumbs to wipe the remains of her crying from her face.

Giving her a tissue to wipe her stained face clean and blow the nose that she kept sniffiling.

"I can wash the dishes and put the food away for you mom." I said as I watched her clean herself up from our moment.

"No you go to bed, you have your classes tomorrow. I got it." She said as she kissed me again before taking my plate and hers and headed to the kitchen.

I got up and pushed in my chair, moms chair and Olivia's chair.

I say my goodnight and love yous to mom again before heading to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

I couldn't finish soon enough because Olivia's door opened and I heard her foot steps coming towards the bathroom door. I quickly rinsed my mouth and put my toothbrush back in the mirror. I then said a magic spell to transport me into my room in a flash.

I face my closed bedroom door, I open it and notice that Olivia was opening the bathroom door.

Entering inside and slamming it behind her to tell me that she knew I was in there and to stop starring at her.

I closed my door quickly, moving over to my vanity once again.

I take out my contacts and put them back in their case.

I go to my drawers and take out a my dad's white shirt that's says "I do not say blah blah blah" I smile at the line printed on the shirt. Pulling on my white and blue striped shorts before turning off the light and climbing into bed.

I lay on my back, starring at my ceiling that is decorated with stars. I learned this spell that transforms any structure to have the pattern you want.

I wanted the stars and moon, so every night when I look up I have a wonderful view of the clear skies.

My eyes study the stars and the full moon.

Seeing how the moon was all alone, so many miles away from the stars.

Wondering if it felt like an outsider just like I did.

My eyes getting heavy, my mind wandering to the emerald eyes that turned into gold with specs of blood red.

"Where are you?" I whisper as I'm taken into the land of dreams, hoping to see him there.

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