How you Meet Part Two(Akatsuki)

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((((İm mixing it up a bit hope you enjoy!)))
((((C/N=Clan Name)))


You ran from your village why you asked?

You were doing normal things  like any other person would when all of a sudden a loud explosion was heard from your village, you done a little explosives and your village knew it to, they have thought that it was your explosion that you had made.
"There she is!!"someone shouted at you ran off fast being chased by your own village until you ran escaping your village you ran fast only to crash into someone causing you to fall backwards.
"who are you?"you asked looking up at the person. He had orange hair, piercings, and a cloak, but what's strange was his eyes.
"I am pein. I am God."The male named Pein spoke as he looked at you with those eyes making you shiver as he sighed.
"You don't have to be scared..why were you running?"Pein asked in his usual tone as you looked before sighing.
"My village thought i created an explosion."You said as Pein nods understanding holding a hand out to you;as you took it he helped you up in one lift making you a bit shocked at his strength.
"Come."Pein said leading you back to the Akatsuki Base and Hideout.

Itachi uchiha

It's been a day since you joined the Akatsuki you were famous for half a byakugan and a half sharingan you also were a uchiha part hyuga at the same time, so Pein thought you should join the Akatsuki, he assigned you in a team with kisame and the famous Uchiha Itachi.
"Kisame. Itachi. your new team mate her name is (Y/n) (C/n)."Pein spoke as you step out from behind him. Itachi stared at you and kisame smirks at you.
"I'm Kisame and this weasel is Itachi."the male with shark features said as you nod your head at them. Itachi glares at Kisame for calling him weasel causing you to giggle quietly.
"she'll be training with you two."Pein said before walking away leaving you with Kisame and Itachi.


  You decided to make a run for it after you seen a guy sacrificing someone,until he spotted you;as he chased after you, you deicided to fight him as you stood in a fighting stance making the male smirk at you.
"well ain't the bitch trying to fight me? HA fucking hilarious."the male said smirking at you before looking you up and down.
"I'll let you live for now bitch, you being fucking hot in that outfit damn. I'm Hidan."the male named Hidan said smirking at you making your face blush fifty shades of red.
"(Y-Y/n)." you spoke as Hidan smirks before.
"Cute name for a bitch."Hidan said before running off before saying a 'catch you later bitch' leaving a blushing you behind.

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