Chained Up and Rejected Rubs

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   "Is she gonna be okay? Can she come home?"

   "We don't know yet. She should be coming out of the coma very shortly."

   "What happens then?"

   "We'll have to see. Now, excuse me, I have another patient to see."  

   "Okay, thank you, doctor."

   Doctor?!! Where am I?? What's this constant beeping? What's chaining my leg up??

   When I finally opened my eyes, I realized I was laying somewhere I never wanted to lay. A hospital bed. I try to wiggle my left leg, but I come to see that it is wrapped up in a cast and elevated two feet in the air. I have all these IVs hooked up to me and I have absolutely no earthly idea why.

   I scan the room, and I see an exhausted looking teenage boy, about 14 years old with perfectly shaggy brown hair and bronze skin. He seemed to be sleeping in one of the chairs in the room. But, I have no idea who he is. How does he know me? What was he talking to that doctor about?

   I try to sit up and look around the room to get a clue about why I'm here, but an excruciating, throbbing pain in the back of my skull causes me to wail in pain and lay back down. And this causes the boy to awake and run over my bed.

   "Esther!! You're awake!! Oh, thank God!" He said excitedly. He reached down for a hug but I immediately flinched away.

   "Who are you? What are you doing here? What am I doing here?" I asked this mystery boy.

   "D- Do you seriously not remember me..?" His face immeadiately went from shock to hurt. It stabbed me in the heart to see him like that, but I don't know why. I don't even know him!

   "Am I supposed to..?"

   At that, he ran out of the room yelling, "Doctor Harbough!! Doctor Harbough!!! SOMEBODY!!"

      **********LEO'S POINT OF VIEW**********


   "Am I supposed to..?" Esther replied.

   No, this cannot happen. This is NOT happening!! She cannot forget!

   "Doctor Harbough! Doctor Harbough! SOMEBODY!!" I ran through the halls screaming. I got some weird looks from some nurses, but I didn't care. This cannot be happening.

   I finally saw our doctor coming out of another patient's room. "Doctor Harbough!!"

   "Yes, son?" He was scribbling a perscription on an notepad.

   "Come quick, I think Esther has memory loss!"

   The doctor immeadiately took his glasses off and rubbed his temples. "Ahh, yes. That can happen due to a head injury."

   "Well, what can we do about it?! She doesn't know who I am!!!"

   "For right now, all we can do is give her an examination to see how much she knows."

   He lead me back to Esther's room and I plopped on the chair I was earlier sleeping on. She was messing with a Rubix cube that was laying on her bedside table.

*********ESTHER'S POINT OF VIEW***********


   "Alright, let's start easy." The doctor said. His nametag read Harbough. "What's you name?"

   "Esther Rae Woods." I replied without a doubt.

   "Okay, what city do you think you're in?"

   "Atlanta." I said. That's where I've lived my entire life, never been out of it.

   The boy in the chair let out a little gasp. I gave him a look, and we made eye contact. My heart fluttered for a moment, looking into his deep chocolate eyes.

   "How old are you?" Doctor Harbough snapped me back to attention.

   "Thirteen, going on fourteen." I said proudly.

   Boy in the corner hung his head down.

   "Do you know who this boy is?" Doctor Harbough gestured to the guy in the chair.

   I shook my head. Never seen him in my life, but he sure does know me.

   Cute, mystery boy looked as if he were about to cry. I don't know why, but it pained me in the heart to see him like that. Stop, Esther! You don't even know the guy! I thought to myself. The doctor scribbled something on his paper.

   "What?" I questioned, looking back and forth between them.

   "Well, it seems you have some memory loss. You see, you were involved in a car crash and suffered a brain injury, causing you to look some memory.

    "....Seriously?" I turned to stone.

   "Yes, I'm very sorry. But I have to see other patients." And with that, he left me alone with the mystery boy.

   "I can't believe it." I said, mostly to myself.

   "Neither can I" The boy said. "By the way, my name's Leo." He came over to rub my back and comfort me, but I instinctly blocked myself.

  A tear streamed down Leo's face and he sulked out of the room and closed the door behind him.

   Man, he's cute.

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