Chapter Two - Misconceptions

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Se Min's POV


"Whutt. And stop calling me that."

"You haven't told me how I saved your-"

"CHENCHEN!!!! AHHHHH! MY BOYFRIEND!!!!" A clown came over.

"Stop disturbing me, Monica. What brings you into this school?"

"YOU! I got someone to transfer out so I could be with you!!!!" The clown said excitedly.

"I. HAVE. A. GIRLFRIEND." He said slowly, getting annoyed.

"Where? Let me kill the bitch."

"She's my girlfriend." He unexpectedly pulled me closer to his chest.

"Se Min-ah, mianhae...." He whispered.

Chen's POV

"ChenChen. Prove it. Prove that she's your girlfriend." Monica said.

"How?" I asked.

"Kiss her." She said.

I looked at Beatrice my eyes pleading for permission. She just nodded. I closed in on her and......

"KIM JONGDAE! YOU CHEATING BASTARD!!!" Monica shouted and left.

Beatrice was staring at me open mouthed.

"What the fudge cakes was that creature? A banshee, a clown or what?" She asked, wincing at Monica's whiny voice.

"The reason why you saved my life yet again."

"Oh. Yeah. Your name is Kim Jongdae......?"

"I never told you before? Oh mianhae! Let's go to class!"

Our class was the smartest in the school, apparently. I learned that Chen was a hardcore bookworm.... Wow..... O_O

"I'm your teacher, Ms Jung! Your class is the smartest so let's begin the test!"

"HUH?!!?!?? What test?" Everyone shouted.

"You'll be spending a period, 30 minutes, trying to debate your teacher on a subject. You will have to do this five times everyday. Extra time will be used as leisure time or time to research on your next topic. During that 8 periods of leisure time, you can go anywhere that is in the school. I'll be giving out your privilege cards later. You'll need them to get into the rooms." Ms Jung said.

"Ne!" Me and Chen said brightly while the rest of the class groaned.

"Let's begin!"

Chen's POV

"Chen, 1+1 is equals to 2." My math teacher reasoned.

"Yes it is."

"Prove it." He said.

I took out my pencil and a paper and showed him my working





= WINDOW :) "

"CHEN YOU BLOODY TROLL...." My math teacher muttered.

"You're welcome!" I said cheerfully.

I looked up to see Se Min competing with Ms Jung in sentence structures.

"Seongsaengnim! It's "You have a very nice voice! You practically sound like an angel in disguise!" Not "Your voice nice angel sky!"" she said.

Ms Jung smirked.

"Prove it!"

"Angel and sky are nouns nouns don't sit beside each other. Sheng yin hen hao ting means Nice voice or that the voice is nice to listen to. In English, we do not directly translate from Chinese to English. Ni dege sheng xiang tian shi shi de means your voice sounds like an angel when directly translated. Shi de is making a comparison between the two things, your voice and an angel. So therefore I'm correct." Beatrice said happily.

Ms Jung slowly applauded.

"Good game, Se Min."

"Good game, Ms Jung."

"Let us do this more often...." Se min said.

Someone's POV

Did Se Min just beat Ms Jung in sentence structure for English?!?!??! What?!?!?!? How is that possible?!?!?!? Not even Kris can beat her.....

Two and a half hours later

Se Min's POV

"The smartest person in the class is now Kwon Se Min, Beatrice!!!"

Everybody applauded.

"The best troll in the class goes to JongDae!"

Everybody applauded.

During leisure time

So I decided to go down to the music room to play around. With my privilege card in hand, I walked downstairs to the room, scanning my card.

Ooh~ There's a recording studio!!!! Omo!

Chen's POV

"Chen! Wait up!" A voice was heard from behind me.

"Huh? Oh hi Luhan! Where are you headed?" I asked.

"Studio. Duhh." Luhan said.

"Then let's go!" I exclaimed.

Outside the (recording) studio

"Careless, Careless, shoot anonymous, anonymous. Heartless, mindless. No one who care about me~" a voice sang.

"Now for the verse..... Hmmm......" Hey, that sounds like Beatrice.

I looked at the card scanning thingy. It stated that Beatrice was indeed in the room. Luhan and I looked at each other, scanned our cards and went in.

"Shi luo de gan jue, shei zai hu zhi you ren nai." Luhan sang. Ooh!!! Creative juices!!!!

"Wo zai ye wu fa jie shou, bi shangle shuang yan~" I sang.

Beatrice jumped.

Se Min's POV

" Who was that?" I thought.

"It's Chen!"

"Ohhh~" I turned around.

"May I know what your name is?" I asked the girl beside Chen.

"Luhan." She said.

" Ooh~ So you're Chen's girlfriend?" I asked.





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