Chapter Three - Love At First Sight?

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Luhan's POV

"CHEN'S GIRLFRIEND?!?!??!?!?!?" I exclaimed.

What on the planet did Chen do to her.....

"MY GIRLFRIEND?!?!??!?!?!" Chen asked. Guess he didn't know too....

"Isn't she your girlfriend, Chen?" Beatrice asked.

Okay. What. The. Hell.

"She's a he" Chen said.

"Omo. So you're gay?!??!?!?!?" she asked.

"Ah, it's not like that-"

"When was your wedding? Why didn't you invite me?" She asked.

"Aishh. LISTEN! I, Kim Jong Dae am not his, Luhan's husband, boyfriend or anything. We're just friends." Chen shouted.

Chen's POV

Aishh..... This girl...

"Says the irritating boyfriend." She said, sticking out her tongue.

"WHAT?! CHEN! Why didn't you tell me???" Luhan's exclaimed.

"Tell you what?" I asked.

"That Se Min is your girlfriend. Oh my God Se Min I'm so sorry don't worry I'm not lesbian or gay so you can have him."

Se Min showed him a D_o face.

"Where's this Se Min girl? She must be pretty....." Se Min asked.

"..... Your name is Se Min." Luhan said.

"....... Ohhhh....... Wait. WHAT?!?!?!??!!?"


Someone's POV

"That Se Min is your girlfriend. Oh my God Se Min I'm so sorry don't worry I'm not lesbian or gay so you can have him." Luhan said quickly.

Oh. She has a boyfriend. Ch.... Chen.... I ran off immediately and called for someone.

"Yes, Chanyeol hyung?" Sehun asked.

"Sehun-ah.... I....... I........ I think I'm....... I'm..... in l........ Lo........ Love........" I said shyly.



I'm forbidden to write right now but here I am. I'm in a visit programme performance thingy in some school and I'm really really really tired right now.

Another shoutout, this is to all the people in school. I'm sorry. I can't contact y'all unless y'all are willing to pay $$$$money$$$$ I went to coffee bean for wifi yesterday (27/05/2014) then my phone died bc of spams. Sorry guys.

Last shoutout!!!!

To ALL my readers, silent or not, I'm so sorry for not updating frequently!



Oh. Kay. I'm now in a formal dinner and my performance will start in like, 30 minutes (...?) So I'm bored so here goes.....



Chanyeol's POV (He's the someone)

"Bwoh? Hyung is in love?!" Sehun exclaimed.

"Mm..... Ye.....yeas......yeah"

"Who is it? Who's this lucky girl?"

"I.... I don't know..... "

"Ooh!!!!!! Its love at first sight!!!!!" Sehun squealed.

"S..... Shut..... Shuttup." I said, embarrassed.

"Hyung is embarrassed!!! Awwwwwwwwwwww!" Sehun teased.



Okay my brain is fried and dead so I'll be updating the other stories when I have inspiration. It's day 4!!!! I'm going back home tomorrowwwwwwwww!!!!!!




I'm gonna do a confession

Confession: I am a shiny sparkling butterfly. Nah. No. Actually, its that I miss three things. Wifi, my friends and my family. Also, I have a feeling my dorm is haunted since the graveyards are just beside my room...... And my stuff keeps going missing....... Okay. I should really stop before I freak out again.

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