Chapter one

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I know that some of the content may not be completely accurate (like the boys living near a beach) but it's for the sake of the story. The only thing that will be personalised is your name, e.g. y/n. This is so the story is easier to write. Bare with me on any spelling/grammar mistakes. I am not the best but I will go through and check it all at a later date. Anyways, enjoy ♥️

You wake up to the sound of banging in your room,
"What the fuck?" You mumble tiredly. Your eyes slowly open to be greeted with the sight of your mum rummaging through your things. You sigh in annoyance,
"What the hell do you think you're doing?"
"It's my house I can go through things if I like" she answers back, clearly proud of having control over you. *For fuck sakes* you think to yourself.
"I barely have anything left since we moved so have fun finding whatever you're looking for" She laughs,
"Here we go again. You complaining that we moved. It's not like you had a life back in the old house anyway".
"I had school, friends and even family" you shout, "Just because you're heartless and don't care about them doesn't mean you had to move me away too"

You start to walk out, wanting to get away from the negative atmosphere but you feel a hand wrap around your wrist.
"Get off of me" you shout, sick of being mistreated. She jerks you towards her, causing you to trip and land on your knees. She laughs as she leans down to your level,
"Stop with the attitude or else" she growls
"Or else what?" You smirk, "You'll hit me again?". Her hand comes crashing down on your cheek making you regret your confidence. She then takes a fistful of your hair and tugs it towards the door.
"You're fucking crazy" you cry as she pulls you down the stairs.
"Get the fuck out then, you're not wanted here. You're not wanted anywhere" she spits. Tears stream down your face as you're thrown outside like trash.

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