Different Worlds

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You're all alone
It seems like the end
When you suddenly meet
Another pair of eyes

A light flicks on
And beams so brightly
That you both turn
To chase after it

You're from two
Different places
From two
Different worlds

Yet, you build
A connection
A life thread

Countless hours
On the phone
Laughing, crying

Shared ideas
And moments and feelings
Bubble back and forth
Never stopping

It's two years later
You meet again
But everything
Is different

Your eyes meet
But they are
The eyes
Of a stranger

You look different
They look different
You are both disappointed
Yet try anyway

But someone came
As someone always does
And snipped off
Your life thread

Or what
Of it

And when you said goodbye
It sounded like
"See you later"
But in truth it was "see you never"

Then you spend moments
Asking yourself
"What was
This all for?"

Why did I come here?
Why did I think
This would work?"

But you always knew
That this
Would have an end

And throughout
The stolen memories
The words
The laughter

Throughout it all
You knew it
Would end
In tears and heartbreak

You may
Meet again
But who knows?

Maybe one day
Your life threads will intertwine
And two strangers
Will again become friends

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