mission gone wrong Part 4- Weak?

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Mikuni ran on ahead noticing there seemed to be no settlement plans made, so he ran ahead but soon got roped up by a noose that he had set off by standing in accidently...

"Mikuni! What the-?....hey are you ok?..." Jeje looked stunned by his partners level of dumb and started to jog over to help him.

"Do I flipping well look ok to you?!... well?!"Mikuni wailed, annoyed at him for even asking  such a dumb question.

Finally Jeje had reached out to Mikuni just in time to be engulfed by a net that swept both him and his master up in two seconds. "It's some sort of contraption, i have to admit it's well made, but not good enough... I AM THE SERVAMP OF ENVY AND WILL EVERYTHING WITHIN MY POWER TO ESCAPE FROM THIS AND SAVE MY MIKUNI!"

It has been 10 minutes now... the two are still tangled up in one another and the net.

"Jeje will you move your ass?!.. I can't get my leg out of this gap! Help out please!..."

" It might help if we don't move at all. Miku are you alright?... I just keep screwing up don't I?...First I got us lost in such a crappy wood as this and now I've let you wander off and get into trouble!... OH FOR F/.;[ SAKE I CAN'T WIN! I REALLY AM A SUCKER!"

"Hey, isn't that kind of the point?... if you didn't suck then how would you drink my blood and get us out of this shit?..."

" Very funny... Oh yeah!... That's right I can drink you blood and get us out of here!... Also... where did you learn that kind of language?... you're not supposed to swear until you're twenty!"

" Uhhhh... that's not true and I got it off of you and tsu-san!...Oh and TV!..."Mikuni replied happily.

"Ah.. I forgot I'm always around you... crap..."

"There you have it see!.... RIGHT GET US OUT OF HERE!.. take as much as you need but not all of it otherwise I won't have any strength for later!"

Jeje  bit into Mikuni's arm and slurped up the blood in no time at all he had transformed into a snake and was beginning to chew through the rope holding them up off the ground.

A few minutes passed and a few thoughts as well. One was of another Mikuni crisis... a certain feeling of hat towards time hit his brain and made him a nervous mess... way too much orange juice before he left home. he wondered whether he should tell his partner or if it would just anger him... obviously he went with the second thought... he decided to hold it... If he was to tell him he would probably call him weak and act differently around him knowing he was so easy and fake.

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