mission gone wrong Part 6- Help

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Mikuni was alone now, leaning against a tree and Jeje was st on a tree stump near the old cabin.

Mikuni was relieved he didn't have to say anything and he didn't have to deal with him as he got ticked off because he wouldn't tell.

Mikuni was undoing his belt and starting to give into nature when all of a sudden another dog came running out of the shrub behind him. Mikuni had no choice but to ask for help from Jeje he yelled out his name and Jeje came running over then took out his gun and pointed it at the rabid snarling dog. 

Jeje pulled the trigger and shot the dog bang on the dot between his eyes, staring aimlessly at them both with hate in it's eyes and a feeling of revenge for the other dogs killed by them. It fell to the floor with a  thump, Mikuni thanked Jeje and said "I can't go here, not while there are creepy frickin' dogs as crazy as them running free round here!" 

"Mikuni it's just going to cause  more pain if you don't, I would suggest you go now... Plus if you don't it'll be an obstacle for transporting you other places and what not! SO JUST FUCKING WELL MAN UP, OK!... I know it's not the same as it is in the city get used to it!"

"Alright.... geez!" Whined Mikuni

Jeje walked away and Mikuni began to unzip his zipper but found it difficult. 


"*Groan*....Right i'm coming over there to end this!... Come here!... There... ok?..now then you go NOW!"

"HEY WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?! GET OFF I WILL DO SOMETHING...ummm... I can't exactly kill you since you're immortal but... JUST GET THE HELL OFF!"

"OK, OK!"

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