mission gone wrong Part 5- REALLY?...

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Jeje had finished biting at the rope, finally he'd done it, Jeje waited underneath ready to catch Mikuni after he fell from that height. Mikuni dropped perfectly into Jeje's arms with a noise: 'fumpfka'.

It was beginning to turn to afternoon, they could tell by the warmth and the stillness of the air. 

Mikuni was starting to sweat now... having to hold it for so long is quite hard for a young teenager. He started to blush in Jeje's arms and stared up into his tar pool like eyes. He stared right back at him and placed his cold hand on his fatigued hot master in his arms and asked if he was ok."I'm fine... I think this happening because you took a little too much blood! That's all! ha..."He started to pant.

"You don't look fine!... what's wrong, you know you can tell me, I would trust you with my life and you know it!... Therefore... What's wrong Mikuni?! Answer truthfully!"

"I'm fine I might have caught a cold or something, now then can you put me on the ground?!.."

"Oh yeah, sorry..." Jeje let him down easy and looked with caution at him scanning his body for bite marks from the dog or bullet wounds or any other problems. But was unable to pick up on the minor detail of his desperacy.

A man came running from the cabin and went to shoot Jeje. Jeje stared at him then pulled him Mikuni round behind him for cover by his hips... his thumb pressed against one of the worst areas it could've and Mikuni squirmed to get free.

The man shot from his Rifle and signaled at some dogs, supposedly to attack, so they did. Jeje killed them with clean shots which were able to kill them before even reaching their area of land.

The man yelled and chucked his gun at them then ran off into the woods once more. 

Meanwhile Mikuni was trying to not piss himself and not to show it as well. He was pressing his hands down onto his groin and tried to cross his legs the tightest they could go. Jeje looked behind him to find his eve curled in a ball behind him and almost in tears. Jeje now understood what was wrong he said:..." right I think it's time you go behind that tree over there and I turn round?... Am I right?..." Mikuni nodded and was very thankful that Jeje was able to understand without him having to give too much away.

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